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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Head Room Parents

Many classrooms at both Munson and the Grade School are still need of Head Room Parents. Notes will be sent home with the students whose class still needs volunteers. A final room parent list (including head room parents and "helpers") will be sent home as soon as we have more spots filled. It will be sent home with plenty of time to plan the Fall parties at the end of October.

Here are some answers to a few FAQ:

What does a head room parent do?
The most important things that head room parents do is to organize. Clear, effective and timely communication to the other parent volunteers is key. There are three parties during the year that the head room parent will organize. The first is the Fall party at the end of October, then the Winter party right in mid December and the Spring party around Valentines Day. The head room parent will contact the other parents at least one week in advance to organize snacks and a game or activity (the parties only last around 30 minutes so one activity and time to snack is plenty). If you are able to, you are also welcome to visit the schools during the parties to help out. If you are a head room parent but can't be at the party, ask one of the other parents to be the "lead" that day. Even working parents can find the time to send out a few emails or make a few phone calls to get a party organized!

Will I have help?
You will never be the only parent responsible to provide an entire party for your class. And the more volunteers we get, the easier it becomes for everyone!

Is there more to do than just plan parties?
Apart from the parties you can be as involved as much as you can/want. If you (or any parent) would like to volunteer in the classroom, contact your teacher. But it is not required.

What if I can't be the head room parent but still want to help?
There is plenty that you can do! Sign up to send in supplies (snacks, treats, etc) or ask the teacher if you can help in the class or work on a project at home (like cutting out art materials, etc).

One more thing to remember:
It is also incredibly important and helpfull to your teachers to make sure to check your child's backpacks daily, read all notes sent home and to spend the time helping your student do their homework (practice spelling words, reading time, worksheets, etc).

How can you sign up?
If you would like to sign up to be the head room parent or a "helper", and have not done so already, send an email to Please include your name, phone number, email address, child(ren)'s names, grade and teacher.

Thank you for considering volunteering in your child's classroom. And THANK YOU to those that have already sign up to help! Even a small amount of time can make a big impact to every child in the classroom.

To see the list of Head Room Parents (including those classes still needing help), please click HERE.

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