Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

Quick Links:

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 2012 T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Board Members Present: Heather Shaw, President; Amanda Sparks, VP; Monica Cross, VP; Lisa Moe, Treasurer; Cindi Jennings, soon to be new Treasurer. Not Present: Erin Manning, Secretary
TAPE Members present: 3

Review & Approval of November Meeting Minutes-VOTE
Motion to approve minutes: Raquel Greer, 2nd Jenny Hughs

Introduction of New Treasurer: Cindi Jennings

Treasurer’s Report- Lisa Moe- VOTE
Motion to approve: Debbie Anderson; 2nd Jenny Hughs

Principal’s Report
   MGS: Raquel Greer: discussed the upcoming Spelling Bee: “Official Scripts” winner moves on to compete. Classroom tests are 12/5/12 and winner will move on by grade.  Top 15 overall will move on to compete Jan 17 at High School.  Feb 9th is Sedgwick County competition; TAPE is requesting sponsors to help and donate money to purchase the following possibilities: prize baskets, trophies, t-shirts and programs. TAPE is also coordinating staff and volunteers to help at the event.
   Munson: presented by Heather Shaw: Munson is short 2 lunch aids so if you know of anyone please encourage them to apply at the District Office. Upcoming events are listed below.

Committee Reports
o   Directory- Heather Shaw: Printed version will be completed this week.  Electronic version is already out. Moving forward our plan is to only offer electronic version.  Numbers were much higher; less then 20 printed with over 80 electronic.
o   T-Shirt Orders- Heather Shaw: shirt orders will be turned in tomorrow at Shirts Plus.  We expect them in for distribution by Dec 14 and will deliver to students Dec 17th.
o   Fundraising- Heather Shaw
o   Dates for Spring Fundraiser : March 12th – April 2nd
o   Contract is complete with Signature.  They are sending the “blue dog” mascot for us to use at the Fundraiser Kick Off assembly.  Start date is set for March 12th to avoid competition with Girl Scout cookie sales.  Fundraiser packets are due April 2nd.  Orders will be submitted to Signature April 5th.  Items will be delivered April 29th and distribution will take place April 30th at Munson.
o   Carnival- Amanda Sparks: Hope to have a proposed budget by January mtg.  Future committee meeting dates will be announced.  Planning is going well, the following items have been donated: all carnival equipment, a popcorn and nacho machine, and a bounce house.  April 13th is the date for the carnival at Mulvane High School.
o   Box Tops for Education- Heather Shaw for Christin Hargrove: Box Tops have been coming in and we are looking at increasing the prize structure to range from 25 to 200 (currently it’s 25-125).  Any box tops that will expire this year need to be turned in by Dec 20th. Box Tops, Labels for Education, and Soup Labels all count as 1 point each. Discussed Box Top letter to be sent home with students in Jan after new prize structure is established.
o   School Holiday Store- Heather Shaw: everything has been delivered.  The school store will be open Thursday Dec 13th 3:30pm-6:30pm; Friday Dec 14th 6pm-9pm; and Saturday Dec 14th 10am-4pm. We are still in need of volunteers.
o   Yearbook- Heather Shaw for Marie Moore: Pictures are still needed- send them to; Lifetouch orders will begin the end of January.

Old Business
   Mascot: has arrived. Looks great and will be stored at Munson.
   MGS Spelling Bee: The pronouncer and judges have been established. Information about the dates/times has been sent home. Look for more info this week.

New Business
   Holiday Parties: December 20th.
            MGS 2:45; Munson party times are decided by each teacher.  A movie will be shown in the afternoon  
   Family Movie Night: next movie will be in January or February depending on movie releases and high school availability. 
   Breakfast Buddies: Pastries for Parents; Flapjacks for Families are possibilities.  If you would like to be on the committee please sign-up. We need lots of support to make this happen in order to prepare, serve and help monitor kids before school starts. Another possibility could be a dinner or a Saturday event.

Upcoming Dates to Know
   12/6 – MGS 3rd Grade Music Program - MHS @ 7:00 p.m.
   12/11 – MGS Individual Grade Spelling Bees
   12/14 – MGS Top Cat Lunch @ 11:00 a.m.
   12/10-12/14 – School Holiday Store @ MPS TBD (volunteers needed)
   12/20 – Winter Parties
   12/21-1/2 – Winter Break NO SCHOOL
   1/3 – Classes Resume for All Students
   1/3 – T.A.P.E. Meeting, 6:30 p.m. @ MGS Library
   12/7- Blues music all school event at Munson 10am
   12/14 - 3rd grade field trip: Nutcracker at Wichita Ballet
   12/18 -  PAWS Party: Munson

Open Discussion about the Middle school and if they have a parent organization? Kids currently run concessions. Will check with Booster Club and discuss with principal.
Good-Bye to Lisa Moe
Adjourn: Motion made by Raquel Greer; 2nd by Cindi Jennings.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Shaw; VP of Grade School, Monica Cross; Secretary, Erin Manning Board Members Not Present: Amanda Sparks; VP of Munson; Treasurer, Lisa Moe.
Total Members Present: 10
October Meeting Minutes: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White, seconded by Lynzee Backus.

November’s Treasurer’s Report: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White. Seconded by Tara Parton.
Principal’s Report:
Deena Waltrip, Munson: Not present, presented by Mrs. Greer: small prizes are being collected to use for the Munson Manners box. Send them in with your students to the office at MPS.
Raquel Greer, MGS: Big thank you for the conference meals, the teachers appreciated and enjoyed it. Veterans Day project: please bring in photos of any veterans in your family. The kids will use them to make a display in the main hallway at MGS.
Nominations for Treasurer Position: If you are interested in this position, please contact T.A.P.E. or a board member immediately. If you have questions on what the position is responsible for, we’d be happy to answer those questions as well.
Committee Reports:
Directory: Monica Cross. We have seen a large response for the electronic version, less than ten parents have requested paper copies. We are wrapping up collecting the directory forms. Please return yours or contact T.A.P.E. as soon as possible!
Room Parents: All class rooms have home room parents! THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered for supplies and helpers as well. Fall parties went great – thank you!
T Shirt Orders: Lacie Blevins. Fall order was 467 shirts sold total. For the winter sale we are considering selling a long sleeve t-shirt instead of the crew neck sweatshirt. Order forms will go home mid-November and go through the beginning of December so that shirts will be back by winter break (these make great holiday gifts!!).
Fundraising: Fall fundraiser was a huge success! We made a total profit of $20,795.08! Each school received a check for $8318.03 at tonight’s meeting (T.A.P.E. keeps 20% of the profits in our account to accomplish misc projects throughout the year). Our spring fundraiser will be from a company called Signature fundraising. This is also a catalog sale. The prizes are really fun! *Spoiler alert* the prize for selling 25 items is a Sidewinder Scooter!! Dates are still being decided on.
Carnival: Saturday April 13th at Mulvane High School. Times are tentative and will be announced as soon as they are set.

Box Tops for Education:
Christin mailed box tops at the end of October. MGS will receive a check for $609 and MPS will receive a check for $1228. Both checks will arrive directly to the schools in mid-December. Looking for a volunteer to lead the Grade School’s collection. Please make sure that you are clipping the whole box top including the date. The logo on the box is not necessarily a box top, sometimes it is just a promotional/marketing tool to get your attention and the box top may be somewhere else on the package. Let us know if you have any questions!
School Holiday Store: We are using a new vendor this year. The shop will be Dec 10th – 14th and possibly the 15th. We will need lots of volunteers to help run the shop so please let us know if you would like to help. We will be packing up the entire holiday shop and setting it up at the high school on the night of the spelling bee.
Marie Moore would like to co-chair this year. She will help put the yearbook together but needs someone to help with sales in the spring. We would love a volunteer for this position asap!
Old Business:
The mascot has been ordered. $1328.18 was the final price for the mascot and the cooling system. It is a size medium. It should arrive on the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Limo Ride: This went very well. We had some amazing moms helping out for this – THANK YOU to those that volunteered to help make the ride special for these 54 students.
Conference Meals: Thank you to everyone who sent in food and helped make this such a great success. The teachers were very appreciative for our help. We had tons of food sent in and the teachers were well fed. All non-perishable food that was left over was donated to the Mulvane food pantry.
Scholastic Book Fair and All for Books: Thank you also to everyone who helped volunteer at the book fair. As a reminder, T.A.P.E. donated $150 per school to the “All for Books” programs which helps give books to families at Munson and the Grade School who can’t afford a new book. It also helps provide books for the classrooms and libraries. Each school also raised funds to add to the All for Books program.
New Business:
Body Venture:
This is an inflatable (set up on a metal framework) and interactive exhibit. It is a large “body” that the kids can walk through and stop at stations to learn about these body parts. This is a big undertaking and we need lots of help! We need volunteers who are willing to walk through the exhibit with the kids. The dates of body venture are November 7th and 8th. If you would like to help please contact T.A.P.E. immediately. We also need help with tear down on Thursday Nov 8th after school.

MGS Spelling Bee:
 December 13th at Mulvane High School. The Grade School is currently preparing for this event. We are looking for a “pronouncer” & 2 people to help with knowing and following the rules.
MGS Facebook Page:
Find MGS on Facebook and “like” their new page for reminders, photos, etc. Principal Greer is writing the posts and keeping us all informed.

Upcoming Dates to Know:
11/6 – 11/8 Body Venture (volunteers needed)
11/9 – Top Cat Lunch @ 11 am
11/9 – Veteran’s Day activities
11/12 – MPS 2nd grade music programs 6:30 pm & 7:15 pm
11/13 – MPS picture retakes
11/19 & 11/20 – MPS Book Swap
11/21 – 11/23 Thanksgiving Break
11/30 – MGS Top Cat Lunch @ 11am
12/4 - T.A.P.E. Meeting, 6:30 pm, Grade School Library (this is on Tuesday bc of 3rd grade music program)
12/6 – MGS 3rd grade music program @ 7pm MHS
12/10 to 12/14 – School Holiday Store @ MPS. Times TBD (volunteers needed)
12/13 – MGS Spelling Bee @ MHS 7:00 pm (volunteers needed)

Adjourn: A motion was made by Lynzee Backus to adjourn at 7:45 pm. Seconded by Lacie Blevins.
** Next T.A.P.E. Meeting: Tuesday, December 4th at 6:30pm at the Grade School Library! **

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Important Message from T.A.P.E.

Our beloved Lisa is stepping down as Treasurer and will be moving to Texas at the end of the year.  We need to fill her position ASAP!!  We want to make a smooth and quick transition, so that Lisa can focus on her family and moving. 

We are opening the position to all interested T.A.P.E. members.  We will be make a decision at tomorrow night's T.A.P.E. meeting (by vote if more than one nomination).  We will accept nominations starting today.  We respectfully request that anyone interested in the position, attend the meeting.  If you are interested, but unable to attend the meeting, you must contact Heather Shaw by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow to give your intent to run.  All inquiries and/or nominations can be emailed to or to Heather Shaw 737-8402.  A copy of the duties of Treasurer are available upon request.

Thank you!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 2012 Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
October 4th, 2012

Board Members:
Present: VP of Grade School, Amanda Sparks; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Lisa Moe.  
Not present: President, Heather Shaw; VP of Munson, Monica Cross.
Total Members Present: 14

Scholastic Book Fair: Heather Leggett.  Books have been delivered and are set-up.  We still need volunteers to help.  Volunteer responsibilities were explained and a sign-up sheet was passed around the room.  Debbie White explained Scholastic’s All for Books program and it’s benefits to students and teachers.  

Guest Speaker: Pamaline King-Burns, Sedgwick County Health Department. Presented information on Project Access and being a Community Health Navigator.  Gave out pens with info on area clinics and ways to help your doctor help you.  Discussed and gave copies of Prescription Discount Cards, Dental Discount Program, and reinforced the importance of sharing information to those in need.

September Meeting Minutes: presented by Erin Manning. Motion to approve made by Heather Leggett, seconded by Debbie White.

October’s Treasurer’s Report: presented by Lisa Moe.  Current account balance is $4,248.69.  Future expenses could include the Wildcat Mascot and family movie night.  Motion to approve made by Missy Moore, seconded by Heather Leggett.

Principal’s Report: presented by Deena Waltrip.
A thank you in advance from Raquel Greer and Deena Waltrip for parent teacher conference meals.
Grade School: MGS Rocks T-shirts have been delivered to each student.  Please encourage students to wear their shirts on Mondays.  Head room parents are still needed in Townsend and Ramsey’s class.
Munson: October 11th is picture day, packets are being sent home this week.  Conference schedules have been sent out, please call or e-mail the school if you need to change your scheduled time.  There is no school Oct 12th & 15th.  Fall parties are planned as follows:
Jumpstart and 1/2 day Kindergarten: October 31st: 10:00 parade, party will follow.
First, Second, and all day Kindergarten: October 31st: 1:45 parade, 2:30-3:00 party.
Preschool: October 30th: 10:00 parade (am class) 1:45 parade (pm class), party will follow.

Committee Reports:
T.A.P.E. Membership: Erin Manning. Current membership is at 161.  Fee is $0 so if you haven’t completed a membership form please do so tonight; we will continue to accept memberships throughout the school year.
Directory: Erin Manning. A free electronic version will be offered. We will also pre-order the sale of a printed version, cost should be around $5. Turn in directory forms ASAP.
Room Parent: Missy Moore.  Went over the handout showing classroom needs.  Discussed head room parent duties and shared ways to help get parents to volunteer.
T-Shirt Orders: Lisa Moe.  Sales increased during the final week and are currently at $5,083.  A final report will be given next month after discrepancies are finalized.  We will have another opportunity to order shirts this fall, distribution will be before the holidays.
Fundraising: Erin Manning.  Thank you to parents and students for making the fall fundraiser a success.  Sales were around $46,000.  
Carnival: Amanda Sparks.  The carnival will be held on Saturday, April 13th at the High School.  If you’d like to participate on this committee please attend the next meeting on October 23rd, 6pm at the MRC.  We are currently seeking donations.
Box Tops for Education: Lisa Moe.  Box Top prize awards have been established and distribution has started.  Please send in your trimmed Box Tops in groups of 25 in a sealed bag labeled with your students name and teacher; remember to check the expiration date.
Teacher Conference Meals: Sarah Slayton. A walking taco will be served Tuesday evening and a potato bar on Thursday evening.  Students have been asked by grade level to bring in specific items and designated donation bins are set-up at each school.  Volunteers are still needed, especially at MGS.  A sign-up sheet was passed.

Old Business:
Mascot: Members discussed color options for a full body mascot.  A motion was made by Amanda Ruebusch, seconded by Melissa Wilson to spend up to $1500 on a Kelly Green full body Wildcat mascot.  Passed by unanimous vote. (This increased the original $1000 vote in May that was tabled at the September meeting).
Tablecloths: Purchased both for $136.  Very high quality and were used at tonights meeting.
Officer Badges: High School business students have taken on this project to produce name tags for the board and also for parent volunteers.  They should be ready by the November meeting.

New Business:
Fall Family Movie Night: Will take place Friday, October 19th at the high school.  Doors will open at 6:30, movie will start at 6:45.  Popcorn and water will be served.  Volunteers are needed, especially for clean-up.  Motion to spend up to $150 made by Debbie White, seconded by Missy Moore.  Passed by unanimous vote.
Body Venture: Deena Waltrip gave an overview. Volunteers are needed.  It will take place at Munson November 6th, 7th & 8th.  A great and exciting learning activity for our students to enjoy!
School Holiday Shop: An opportunity for students to purchase holiday gifts at various price points.  The shop will be set-up in the PAT room at Munson and will be open December 10-14th.  If interested in volunteering, please sign-up.
All For Books: Debbie White discussed this Scholastic Book Fair Program which benefits students and teachers.  A motion was made by Tyler Leggett to give $150 to this Scholastic program at each school, MPS and MGS, seconded by Shalie Byers.  Passed by unanimous vote.

Upcoming Dates to Know: Oct 9th LAFF night from 5-7pm; Oct 9th ,11th, & 12th conferences and book fair; Oct 11 MPS pictures; Oct 23rd Carnival Committee Meeting 6pm at MRC; Oct 12th & 15th no school; Oct 16th Cox Farm preschool field trip; Oct 16th Fall Fundraiser pick-up at Munson 3-6pm; Oct 19th Tanganyika 1st grade field trip; Oct 26th Fundraiser limo lunch ride to McDonalds; Oct 30th preschool fall party; Oct 31st  jumpstart, K-5th fall parties; Oct 29th-Nov 3rd Red Ribbon Week; Nov 1st next T.A.P.E. meeting, 6:30pm Munson Library.

Open Discussion: Box Tops, Labels, and Coke Product Codes.  Look for more information in the upcoming newsletter. We will also look into school recycling options. 

Adjourn: A motion to was made by Heather Leggett, seconded by Bryan Byers.

HELP NEEDED: Room Parent List

Mulvane T.A.P.E.


Hankins PM- ROOM MOM
Hansel- ROOM MOM
Slayton- HELPERS
Entwisle- SUPPLIES
Ramsey- ROOM MOM
Cunningham- HELPERS


 706-5578 or
The kids need our help. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this a success. I truly appreciate it!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012 Meeting Minutes

TAPE Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Shaw; VP of Grade School, Amanda Sparks; VP of Munson, Monica Cross; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Lisa Moe. (Total Members Present: 25)
May Meeting Minutes: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White, seconded by Elizabeth Thornton.
September’s Treasurer’s Report: presented by Lisa Moe. Our current account balance is $6522.08, out of that $2920.00 will be going to Shirts Plus to pay for the Wildcat T-Shirts. Motion to approve made by Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by Debbie White.
Principal’s Report:
Deena Waltrip, Munson: Main goal for funding this year is for the playground. This playground will be accessible to all students regardless of circumstance. A grant has been written for a wheel chair swing. Seeking opportunities for grants! Construction is planned to start the end of September. There are fences already in place to “teach” the kids where to stay clear of because the large equipment that will soon be in place.
Raquel Greer, MGS: Working on ADA accessible playground equipment. The building on the MGS property will include a new basketball court, tetherball sets and ADA equipment. This will start in November. The next big project is one-to-one laptops and laptop carts for all classrooms. The final thing MGS is currently working on is their school shirts which will be coming  home soon.
Committee Reports:
TAPE Memberships: Heather Shaw. Currently at 131. Compared to last year’s final numbers for the entire school year of 156. This year is different because there is no fee. The membership is also no longer tied to the school directory. Still accepting membership forms throughout the school year.
Directory: Monica Cross. Forms have been sent home. We can’t publish your child’s information without your permission, given through this form. Due back 9/12. This year’s directory may be electronic only and available for no fee. The directory should be out in October.
Room Parents: Still waiting for membership forms. Preliminary room parent committee list was sent around the meeting. If you have not signed up and are interested in signing up, circle the appropriate response on the membership form or email
T Shirt Orders: Orders are down (about half) as of now. A suggestion was made to advertise better, use pictures and post samples better. We are going to look into extending the sale at least a week and advertising better, including in the newsletter, Facebook, blog, displays in the schools, etc.

The event has started, kick off parties went great. New this year for the teachers: if they have 65% participation within their classrooms they will be getting a gift certificate to a local teaching supply store. Orders due September 18th. They will arrive at the end of October.
It will be different this year. It is not tied to Box Tops, it will be on a Saturday for a full afternoon. There will be a committee meeting on Tuesday September 11th at 6pm at the MRC. If you would like to help in any way, we are still forming the committee and all are welcome. Please meet us there!

Box Tops for Education:
Prizes have started to be organized. We are looking for a second chairperson to run the Grade School’s box top program. Box Tops can be sent in now, put them in a baggie of 25 with your child’s name and teacher name. Send them in now, they’ll count towards the first contest (which is still being decided on)
Marie Moore will chair again. We have about 20 yearbooks left from last year and we are selling them for $5 each.
Scholastic Bookfair:
Books will be delivered October 2nd. Dates/times of the sale (during conference week) TBA. Looking for volunteers! Contact Debbie White or if you are interested. LAFF (Library and Family Fun Night) will be October 9th. Volunteers needed for this also.

Old Business:
Old Settlers Parade & Window:
We had a float in the parade again this year. We passed out stickers and T.A.P.E. information cards. It was a lot of fun! We won a 3rd place prize for our window for $10.
Mascot: At the May meeting it was voted that we would spend up to $1000 on a mascot for the two schools to share. We did research on this and a realistic price would be $1500. We have also found a place that will do a custom made full body Wildcat mascot for us (and make him green) it will be $1385 (including shipping, etc) and it has an air cooling system in it. We are tabling this for now. We (Amanda Sparks and Debbie White) will do more research over the next month and present it again at the October meeting.

New Business:
Carnival Budget:
in 2010 we spent $740. Last year we spent $614. The carnival is not a fundraiser. In the past we have collected Box Tops and the funds that are earned with those Box Tops go directly to the schools. Box Tops do not pay T.A.P.E. but they send the checks to each school directly. This year we are planning on not collecting Box Tops for the carnival. More info to be planned and discussed at the Sept 11th meeting. A motion was made by Amanda Ruebusch to table this topic until next month. Seconded by Heather Leggett. This topic has been tabled until the next meeting and after the carnival meeting.
Name Tags:  T.A.P.E. will be working through Debbie White to have the High School business class make them for free.
T.A.P.E. Tablecloths: A motion was made by Heather Leggett to spend no more than $130 on two custom, embroidered tablecloths to use at enrollment and other T.A.P.E. events. Seconded by Lacie Blevins. Passed by unanimous vote.
Conference Meals: We gave each school $250 to buy a meal for their teachers during conference week. This came to $1,000 total last year. There was a lot of debate on this and a decision was made to form a one-time committee to plan this. Heather Leggett and Christin Hargrove will head this. A motion was made by Stephanie Bayliff to spend no more than $250 per school for conference week meals. This was seconded by Amanda Ruebusch. Passed by unanimous vote.

Upcoming Dates to Know:
9/6 T Shirt Order Forms Due (this date is being moved, date TBA)
9/7 MGS Fall Pictures (Volunteers still needed)
9/11 Carnival Committee Meeting: 6pm at MRC
9/12 Directory Opt Out Forms Due
9/18 Fall Fundraiser Orders Due
9/28 MHS Homecoming
10/4 Next T.A.P.E. Meeting, 6:30 pm, Munson Library
Adjourn: A motion was made by Michelle Riggs to adjourn at 8:05pm. Seconded by Heather Leggett.