Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012 Meeting Minutes

TAPE Meeting Minutes
September 6, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Shaw; VP of Grade School, Amanda Sparks; VP of Munson, Monica Cross; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Lisa Moe. (Total Members Present: 25)
May Meeting Minutes: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White, seconded by Elizabeth Thornton.
September’s Treasurer’s Report: presented by Lisa Moe. Our current account balance is $6522.08, out of that $2920.00 will be going to Shirts Plus to pay for the Wildcat T-Shirts. Motion to approve made by Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by Debbie White.
Principal’s Report:
Deena Waltrip, Munson: Main goal for funding this year is for the playground. This playground will be accessible to all students regardless of circumstance. A grant has been written for a wheel chair swing. Seeking opportunities for grants! Construction is planned to start the end of September. There are fences already in place to “teach” the kids where to stay clear of because the large equipment that will soon be in place.
Raquel Greer, MGS: Working on ADA accessible playground equipment. The building on the MGS property will include a new basketball court, tetherball sets and ADA equipment. This will start in November. The next big project is one-to-one laptops and laptop carts for all classrooms. The final thing MGS is currently working on is their school shirts which will be coming  home soon.
Committee Reports:
TAPE Memberships: Heather Shaw. Currently at 131. Compared to last year’s final numbers for the entire school year of 156. This year is different because there is no fee. The membership is also no longer tied to the school directory. Still accepting membership forms throughout the school year.
Directory: Monica Cross. Forms have been sent home. We can’t publish your child’s information without your permission, given through this form. Due back 9/12. This year’s directory may be electronic only and available for no fee. The directory should be out in October.
Room Parents: Still waiting for membership forms. Preliminary room parent committee list was sent around the meeting. If you have not signed up and are interested in signing up, circle the appropriate response on the membership form or email
T Shirt Orders: Orders are down (about half) as of now. A suggestion was made to advertise better, use pictures and post samples better. We are going to look into extending the sale at least a week and advertising better, including in the newsletter, Facebook, blog, displays in the schools, etc.

The event has started, kick off parties went great. New this year for the teachers: if they have 65% participation within their classrooms they will be getting a gift certificate to a local teaching supply store. Orders due September 18th. They will arrive at the end of October.
It will be different this year. It is not tied to Box Tops, it will be on a Saturday for a full afternoon. There will be a committee meeting on Tuesday September 11th at 6pm at the MRC. If you would like to help in any way, we are still forming the committee and all are welcome. Please meet us there!

Box Tops for Education:
Prizes have started to be organized. We are looking for a second chairperson to run the Grade School’s box top program. Box Tops can be sent in now, put them in a baggie of 25 with your child’s name and teacher name. Send them in now, they’ll count towards the first contest (which is still being decided on)
Marie Moore will chair again. We have about 20 yearbooks left from last year and we are selling them for $5 each.
Scholastic Bookfair:
Books will be delivered October 2nd. Dates/times of the sale (during conference week) TBA. Looking for volunteers! Contact Debbie White or if you are interested. LAFF (Library and Family Fun Night) will be October 9th. Volunteers needed for this also.

Old Business:
Old Settlers Parade & Window:
We had a float in the parade again this year. We passed out stickers and T.A.P.E. information cards. It was a lot of fun! We won a 3rd place prize for our window for $10.
Mascot: At the May meeting it was voted that we would spend up to $1000 on a mascot for the two schools to share. We did research on this and a realistic price would be $1500. We have also found a place that will do a custom made full body Wildcat mascot for us (and make him green) it will be $1385 (including shipping, etc) and it has an air cooling system in it. We are tabling this for now. We (Amanda Sparks and Debbie White) will do more research over the next month and present it again at the October meeting.

New Business:
Carnival Budget:
in 2010 we spent $740. Last year we spent $614. The carnival is not a fundraiser. In the past we have collected Box Tops and the funds that are earned with those Box Tops go directly to the schools. Box Tops do not pay T.A.P.E. but they send the checks to each school directly. This year we are planning on not collecting Box Tops for the carnival. More info to be planned and discussed at the Sept 11th meeting. A motion was made by Amanda Ruebusch to table this topic until next month. Seconded by Heather Leggett. This topic has been tabled until the next meeting and after the carnival meeting.
Name Tags:  T.A.P.E. will be working through Debbie White to have the High School business class make them for free.
T.A.P.E. Tablecloths: A motion was made by Heather Leggett to spend no more than $130 on two custom, embroidered tablecloths to use at enrollment and other T.A.P.E. events. Seconded by Lacie Blevins. Passed by unanimous vote.
Conference Meals: We gave each school $250 to buy a meal for their teachers during conference week. This came to $1,000 total last year. There was a lot of debate on this and a decision was made to form a one-time committee to plan this. Heather Leggett and Christin Hargrove will head this. A motion was made by Stephanie Bayliff to spend no more than $250 per school for conference week meals. This was seconded by Amanda Ruebusch. Passed by unanimous vote.

Upcoming Dates to Know:
9/6 T Shirt Order Forms Due (this date is being moved, date TBA)
9/7 MGS Fall Pictures (Volunteers still needed)
9/11 Carnival Committee Meeting: 6pm at MRC
9/12 Directory Opt Out Forms Due
9/18 Fall Fundraiser Orders Due
9/28 MHS Homecoming
10/4 Next T.A.P.E. Meeting, 6:30 pm, Munson Library
Adjourn: A motion was made by Michelle Riggs to adjourn at 8:05pm. Seconded by Heather Leggett.