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Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Meeting Minutes

TAPE Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; Treasurer, Lisa Moe. Not present VP of Grade School, Erin Manning; Secretary, Gayra Wright.

Approval of Minutes:
Presented by Heather Leggett. Heather pointed out that the price of the larger popcorn machine wasn’t included in the minutes. She suggested we add the cost to the notes. Motion to approve minutes as amended to include the price of larger popcorn machine to $1000. Motioned by Heather Shaw, seconded by Debbie White.

Treasurer’s Report:
Presented by: Lisa Moe. Motion to approve made by: Heather Shaw; Seconded by Roxann Sheeran.

Principal’s Reports:
Heather Leggett reporting for Raquel Greer: Grade School. Reported that the grade school used TAPE funds to replace their popcorn machine and small goodies.

Terri Lemos: Munson Primary. Reported using money for Munson Manners and teacher conference meals. Kindergarten music program is next Tuesday. Art and Tech show is next week. Encouraged help supporting the school bond. Future expenses: take all students to movie theater for end of year reward.

Committee Reports:
Box Tops: (Heather Leggett) Tara Loveless submitted $471.80 for Munson and $455.70 for Grade school. Third quarter ends March 9th. Classroom winners will be determined and will receive a root beer float party.

Yearbook: Order forms to go out by March 30 and will be due back April 20th.

Old Business:
Movie Night: Lisa Moe discussed movie night purchases- so far $145.87 has been spent out of the $200 approved budget. She is still waiting on the popcorn invoice. Smencil sales from movie night totaled $170. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped to make this a successful event. Discussed doing this event every semester next year.

Breakfast Buddies:
We do have someone that has volunteered to be committee head for BB. Discussed cost of BB and whether it should be tabled and rediscussed in a future meeting. Tara Loveless made motion to not follow though with BB this year. Seconded by Christine Chronister. Voted unanimously.

Discussed spring River City fundraiser: each school will receive an estimated $2400.
New Business:
Discussed whether to have two Fall fundraisers or continue with a Fall and Spring next year; will make that decision at April meeting after top two vendors are determined at tonights vote. Vendors: River City, Resource Solutions, Frontier, and Signature.

Official vote for fundraisers 2012-2013 school year
River City 12 votes
Signature 12 votes
Frontier 4 votes
Resource Solutions 2 votes

Kindergarten Roundup:
Tuesday, April 17th at 6:30. We need volunteers to help. Sent sign-up sheet around.

Teacher Appreciation:
Opened the floor to ideas on what to do for teacher appreciation gifts. Heather Shaw motioned to spend no more than $500 on Teacher Appreciation gifts, Lacie Blevins, seconded. Passed unanimously. Heather Shaw volunteered to head up the committee.

Board Nominations:
Taking nominations for new officers for next year. Accepting nominations up until our next meeting in April; voting will take place at that meeting. Need to send notes home about nominations.

T-shirt design contest:
T-shirt design forms will be distributed early April and voted on by new board and Lacie Blevins at May meeting.

Upcoming Dates:
March 29th is fundraiser distribution. It will start directly after school. Items will be in bags (not boxed) and grouped by teacher. Volunteers needed.

April 2nd Grade School picture day. Volunteers needed.

Next meeting is April 5th, we will be voting on new board members.

Door Prizes: Tara Loveless, Debbie White, and Heather Shaw each received a $5 Target gift card.

Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 8:08 made by Tara Loveless, seconded by Lacie Blevins