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Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 2011 - Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
– April 7, 2011 -

Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning, Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. The t-shirt orders in the minutes say that the designs are due April 22nd but they are actually due April 26th. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Gayra Wright.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Stephanie B. Balance as of 3/30/11: $3665,43. February 14, 2011 to Wal Mart was for Pizza Party supplies. March 2, 2011 check #2094 was actually to Target and was for door prizes for movie night. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lynzee Backus.

Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Mrs. Lemos is at the Art Show, report presented by Debbie White. Several Smart Boards were put in over Spring Break. In April Kindergarten and 1st grade are having “Literacy and Lunch”. 1st grade is April 21st, Kindergarten is 29th. 2nd grade will also have on in May. Dates may change, watch for notes to come home. Field day is May 5th. Kindergarten Round up is April 19th at 7pm. April is national Library month and National Poetry month. Please take the time to visit the Mulvane Public Library in preparation for the summer reading program. Watch for a Library scavenger hunt form to come home. Their next goal for funds are to buy FM communication systems for the early childhood classrooms.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Field trips are coming up. A big thank you to TAPE funds for helping make that happen. 3rd grade will be going to the Cosmophere, 4th grade to the Salt Mines and 5th grade will be visiting the Nature Center. State Assessments have been completed!! 5th grade music program is coming up soon. Smart Boards are in every room! Next project will be replacing the older student desks.

Old Business:
Yearbook Update: Order forms are due April 29th. They will deliver to us on May 20th. 166 yearbooks sold, $1992 deposited. A discussion regarding giving yearbooks to teachers was made. A motion was made by Lacie Blevins to not give yearbooks to teachers because of our low sales and lack of funds. The motion includes a contingency that if we have enough yearbooks left after sales are over that we will re-assess if we can give them to teachers. Motion was seconded by Melissa Nelson. A vote was placed and everyone voted in favor of the motion.
Box Tops: Current contest ends May 6th. The winning class from each grade will be given a popsicle party. Date of parties to be decided by the teacher. Expense: a motion was made by Heather Leggett to not exceed $25 on the purchase of the popcicles (flavor ice style). Motion was seconded by Lacie Blevins.
T Shirt Design Contest: Design contest forms are due April 26th. The new design will be chosen by the T-shirt committee chair and board after the May meeting. The student with the winning will get a free t-shirt and a gift card not to exceed $20. Motion made by Melissa Nelson and seconded by Lacie Blevins.

New Business:
Kindergarten Round Up: Tuesday April 19th @ 7pm. Volunteers needed to be in the small gym with the upcoming kindergarteners. Please be in the small gym/lunchroom at 6:30pm to help.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: A motion was made not to exceed $500 for staff appreciation gifts, made by Debbie White. Seconded by Melissa Nelson and Lacie Blevins. The exact item to be given will be decided by the current board.
Field Day: Grade School: kids are going to DRC to swim, play basketball, play volleyball, etc. This will be approx the second week of May. Watch for more info to come home with your Grade School students. Volunteers are welcome! Melissa Nelson made a motion not to exceed $100 per school for field day refreshments/water. Motion seconded by Lynzee Backus. Munson’s field day is May 5th.
2011-2012 Committee Heads: Fundraising: Elizabeth Thornton & Stephanie Bayliff, Carnival: Stephanie Bayliff, Holiday Shop: Gayra Wright, TAPE Membership: Heather Leggett & Gayra Wright, Box Tops: Tara Loveless, Book Fair: Munson, Debbie White, MGS TBA, Enrollment: Ellen, Directory: Melissa Nelson, T-Shirts: Lacie Blevins, Yearbook: Tara Loveless and Marie Moore, Room Parent List: Erin Manning & Heather Leggett.
Officer Elections: Nominations are: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Melissa Nelson and Erin Manning, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lacie Blevins and Lisa Moe. A motion to approve the slate of officers was made by Lynzee Backus and seconded by Tara Loveless. After the vote the 2011-2012 TAPE Board will be: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Erin Manning, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lisa Moe.

Door prizes given to: Lynzee Backus, Terri Lemos and Tara Loveless. Motion to adjourn at 8:30pm made by Debbie White. Seconded by Tara Loveless. Next Meeting: May 5th at Grade School Library: 6:30pm (This will be our last meeting of the school year)