Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

Quick Links:

To view old meeting minutes, including T.A.P.E., scroll down and find links for September 2009
through the current meeting on the right side tool bar.

Monday, August 30, 2010

September T.A.P.E. Meeting

Don't forget - this Thursday is T.A.P.E.'s first meeting of the year!! We hope that you can join us...

Thursday September 2nd
6:30 pm
Munson Library

If you need to join us a little late from work/activity... no problem. The meeting will last at least an hour so there will still be plenty to be a part of.

We look forward to seeing everyone!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Entertainment Books have hit the streets!

This year's Entertainment Book Sale has officially begun!! Packets went home with students today. You can sell to your friends/family all over the country by sending emails using the info on the full sized sheet in the packet. And as an added bonus... you can win a prize just for sending them!! I sent out emails a few minutes ago and won a $10 Starbucks gift card!! Woo Hoo!!

Remember that this sale is so very important to our schools. Last year we raised almost $13,000 for Munson Primary and The Grade School!! The principals use these funds (and the ones raised from the Winter Fundraiser) to supplement their budget, upgrade technology, implement positive behavior programs and more!!

email questions to:

Old Settler's Days - Window Display

Did you see the T.A.P.E. Window Display at Old Settler's Days? We won 3rd place! Congrats T.A.P.E.!!
** A special thank you to Elizabeth who planned out and led the charge on the window display this year!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

2010 Old Settler's Day Parade

Did you see T.A.P.E. in the parade?! We saw so many familiar faces in the crowd... cheering us on!! Thank you to everyone who supports T.A.P.E.!

Here are some photos that I took during the parade:

We gave out 750 bottles of green bubbles!!

Hope you are all enjoying Old Settler's Days!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Entertainment Book - Fall Fundraiser!!

It's almost time!! Did you know that last year T.A.P.E. raised just shy of $13,000 for our schools last year selling Entertainment books? We think that's awesome!! We are so thankful to be a part of a community that will step up and really support our kids.

This year the Entertainment Book will be $25 and will include even more local coupons and offers. One great offer? Dillons will have coupons totalling $20 in savings. This is fantastic because... well, we all have to buy groceries! So these coupons alone will pay for most of the cost of the book. Thank you Dillons!

Let's get ready to sell those books!! Here's an idea of a few lines that you can send to family/friends via email, text or as your Facebook status to let people know:

"Coming soon... 2011 Entertainment Book fundraiser from Mulvane TAPE, supporting Munson Primary and Mulvane Grade Schools. This year's local book costs $25 and has $20 worth of coupons for Dillons, let alone all of the other merchants!!! Let me know if you are interested and I'll get one ordered for you!"

Thanks!! Let's do our best to knock this one out of the park!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August T.A.P.E. Newsletter

This is a little bit different layout than what will be coming home with your students but the information is all the same. Sorry for any confusion! :)

TAPE Newsletter - August 2010 - PDF

TAPE Brochure and Membership Form

Tape Brochure - PDF

Monday, August 16, 2010

It's official...

The new school year has begun! It was great to see so many faces at the "Meet the Teacher" nights last week. Did you see the T.A.P.E. display?

Did you grab a T.A.P.E. membership form? T-shirt order form? We are so excited for a new year full of lots of family activities, fundraising (especially in our current economy, the schools can definately put every single penny to good use!), student incentives and teacher/staff support.

Wondering how you can get involved?
1. Turn in your T.A.P.E. membership form and $5
2. Attend the first meeting of the year (Sept 2nd, 6:30pm, Munson Library)
3. Sign up to be a room parent for your child's class
4. Order your wildcat t-shirts to show our school spirit!
5. Start talking to friends/family about Entertainment books - the sale starts SOON!

There are lots of other ways to get involved. If you are new to T.A.P.E. you can find out more about our organization by reading through the old meeting minutes and newsletters posted here on our blog. These will explain what activities we typically do in a year, tell you how much money we earn for our schools (last year we raised over $30,000!!!) and how the principals use that money.

If you have any questions in between meetings you can always contact us! The T.A.P.E. email address is: You can also call Stephanie Bayliff (T.A.P.E. President) at 777-1077.

We look forward to working with you all this year! Go Wildcats!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

"Meet the Teacher Night"

Munson Primary
Wednesday, August 11th
1st Grade: .....................5:30 - 6:00 pm
2nd Grade:....................6:00 - 6:30 pm
K/ Early Childhood:.....6:30 - 7:00 pm

"Please join us on Wednesday evening as your child's classroom teacher shares their expectations and reviews the curriculum for the 2010 - 2011 school year."

You can also drop off school supplies on these nights, show your child where their new classroom will be and even share in some yummy ice cream!!

Mulvane Grade School
Back to School & Ice Cream Social Night
Thursday, August 12th
6:00 - 7:00 pm

"We have set aside this time for the students and their parents to meet the teachers before the first day of school. Please feel free to have your student bring his/her school supplies during this time."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wildcat T-Shirts 2010

The first T-Shirt sale has ended but a second (and final) round of orders will be taken in late October / early November and will be delivered before the winter break (in plenty of time for Holiday giving!). Order forms will be sent home at that time.

The shirts and sweatshirts are Mulvane Green with a black logo on front (as shown on the bottom shirt). You will have two choices for the artwork on back. Either black/white or purple/white. Because we do not order extra shirts, all shirts must be pre-ordered and pre-paid. Shirts are available in short-sleeve, long-sleeve or as a hoodie.

Email Lacie Blevins with questions (