Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

Quick Links:

To view old meeting minutes, including T.A.P.E., scroll down and find links for September 2009
through the current meeting on the right side tool bar.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's a Blog Party!

Thank You for visiting the TAPE blog!

Are you new to this whole blogging thing (ahem, Ellen)? A blog is just another word for a website. Blogs are popular because they are free and relatively easy to use and access. TAPE uses the blog as a way to reach our members... and our potential members. Every month we post copies of the newsletter, meeting minutes, announcements and helpful links. The main part of the page is made up of individual posts (aka entries). Along the right side of the screen there is tons of great informations including upcoming events, contact info, links and all sorts of other good stuff. Take a few minutes to look around!

Starting this Friday (Nov 6th) TAPE is going to host a month-long party!! EVERY Friday we are going to post a new giveaway!! FREE STUFF!! Sounds fun, right? Visit the blog every (yes, EVERY) Friday in November for your chance to win!!

Questions? Would you like to donate a prize? Email TAPE Secretary at:


  1. I think this is a great idea. The meeting was great last night. I think we accomplished alot and can't wait to see what else we can do!!!!!

    Gayra Wright

  2. Oh fun! I think this a great incentive.
    Melissa Nelson

  3. This is a wonderful idea and will hopefully encourage others to join TAPE to help the students at both the primary and grade schools.

    Lacie Blevins

  4. What a great incentive, great idea!

    Lynzee Backus

  5. Amy Endres, First GradeNovember 11, 2009 at 11:32 AM

    This website looks great! Fantastic idea! We love our parents! Thanks for all you do!
