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Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TAPE By Laws

Teachers and Parents for Education (TAPE)

By Laws

As Amended January 12, 2009

Article I- Name

The name of this organization will be Teachers and Parents for Education (TAPE), Mulvane, KS.

Article II-Purpose

Section 1: The purpose of the Mulvane TAPE will be to create a closer relationship between the community and the school by:

a. Assisting, supporting and promoting the program of W.D. Munson Primary School and Mulvane Grade School;

b. Fostering open communication among parents, teachers and administrators to improve the education of our students;

c. Sponsoring Fund-raising activities;

d. Provide other assistance that the schools may request.

Article III-Basic Policies

Section 1: This organization shall neither seek to direct the activities of the schools administration nor control its policies.

Section 2: This organization shall promote awareness among parents and educators of issues basic to the education of our children.

Section 3: This organization will not be bound or committed to any issue, cause or other organization unless so voted by a simple majority of 2/3 of the members present.

Section 4: Robert’s Rules of Orders shall prevail in situations not already covered in the by-laws of this organization.

Section 5: No profits shall proceed to any officer or member of this organization.

Article IV- Representation and Membership

Section 1: Membership in this organization shall be made available without regard to race, color, creed or national origin, to any individual who subscribes to the basic principles of TAPE.

Section 2: An annual enrollment of members shall be conducted.

Section 3: This organization shall collect annual dues in the amount determined by the membership at the May meeting.

Article IV (continued)

Section 4: Only members of this organization shall be eligible to participate in the voting at business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.

Section 5: Membership will be open to:

a. Any parent/guardian interested in TAPE who is willing to uphold its guidelines and has one or more children attending any school represented by TAPE.

b. Any teacher or staff presently employed by any school represented by TAPE.

c. Any Principal shall be asked to serve in an advisory capacity to the organization. This shall be non-voting position. If a Principal has a child in one of the schools, their status as a parent super cedes their status as a Principal.

Section 6: The membership year shall be from the beginning to the end of the school year.

Article V- Officers and their Election

Section 1: Each officer of this organization shall be a member in good standing of TAPE.

Section 2: Officers and their election:

a. The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice-President (Grade School), Vice-President (W.D.Munson Primary), Secretary and Treasurer.

(See addendum A for each officer proposed duties)

b. These officers shall be elected at the April meeting. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination. If there is but one nominee for any office, election for that office may be held by voice vote. Election by ballot will be held if more than one candidate for any office is to be voted on.

c. Officers, with the exception of the treasurer, will serve for a term of one (1) year. Officers will take office at the close of the May meeting. The treasurer shall assume his/her duties following the May meeting and serve for two (2) years.

d. No officer shall b eligible to serve the same office more than two (2) consecutive years.

e. No two (2) members of the same family may serve on the Executive Board during the same term office.

Section 3: Vacancies

Article V (continued)

a. A vacancy occurring in any officer position shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a person elected by a majority of the remaining members of the Executive Board, excluding the vacancy of President.

b. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice-President with the most TAPE experience shall take over office, notice of such appointment having been given. In the event both voice-presidents have equal TAPE experience, election by ballot will be held and a simple majority of the vote of those present will decide the appointment to President.

Article VI- The Executive Board

Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the organization and the principals of the schools (in a non voting capacity).

Section 2: Duties of the Executive Board shall be

a. To transact necessary business in the intervals between organization meetings and such other business as may be referred to by the organization.

b. To create standing and special committees.

c. To approve the plans of work with standing committees.

d. To present executive and committee reports at the regular meetings of the association.

e. To approve routine bills within the limits of the budget.

Section 3: The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the organization, the chairperson of standing committees, principals of the schools (in a non-voting capacity), and teacher representatives from each school.

Article VII- Committees

Section 1: Only members of the organization shall be eligible to serve in any elective or appointive positions.

Section 2: The board may create such standing committees, as it may deem necessary to promote the objectives and carry on the work of the association. The term of each chairman shall be one year.

Section 3: The chairman of each standing committee shall present a plan of work to the board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the board.

Article VII- (continued)

Section 4: The power to form special committees and appoint their members rests with the board.

Section 5: The president shall be a member ex officio of all committees.

Section 6: “Duties of the Committees” are stated in Addendum B (attached).

Article VIII-Meetings

Section 1: Time and Place

a. All organization meetings will be held on the second (2nd) Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise agreed upon.

b. Meetings will be on a rotational basis between schools, mutually agreed upon by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Executive Board Meetings

a. May be called by the President or Vice-President(s).

b. All committee members must be notified of the meeting twenty-four (24) hours in advance.

Section 3: Agenda

a. The agenda, printed prior to the monthly business meeting and available at the monthly business meeting, shall consist of:

1. Calling the meeting to order

2. Secretary’s report- previous minutes

3. Treasurers report

4. Principals update

5. Committee reports (as needed)

6. Old business

7. New business

Section 4: Decision Making

a. A majority vote (2/3) of those present at an open meeting shall govern all matters, excluding By-Laws, acted upon by TAPE.

Section 5: Notice

a. All monthly meetings will be properly publicized in advance by the local media and by informing membership via students at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

Article IX-Funds

Section 1: Revenue from all sources shall b deposited and held in a local bank account approved by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Donations and Expenditures shall be approved by the majority of the membership resent at an open meeting. If the donation is more than $500, then a Board of Education approval will be needed before distribution.

Section 3: Monetary Donations

a. Will be distributed at least annually to the schools represented by TAPE.

b. Will be voted upon by the membership of TAPE present at an open meeting.

c. Will be evenly divided among the schools represented by TAPE. If the donation is more than $500.00 to each school, then a Board of Education approval will be needed before distribution.

Section 4: Two signatures shall be required for the withdrawal of funds and/or expenditures by check.

Section 5: Reserve Funds: A minimum of $1000 shall be allocated as a starting balance for the next fiscal year.

Article X-Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of this organization shall begin July1t and end June 30th.

Article XI- Dissolution of Organization

a. Dissolution of the organization will be governed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present, providing the matter of dissolution has been published at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting to consider dissolution of the organization.

b. Upon dissolution of the organization, any funds left in the treasury will be deposited into an account at a local bank. It will be held until another organization for the above named schools is formed, not to exceed twelve (12) months time period. If no other organization is formed in twelve (12) months time, the funds shall be distributed evenly between the schools that were represented by the organization.

c. All books and records shall be turned over to W.D. Munson Primary school for future use.

Article XII- Amendments

a. These By-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the organization provided that specific amendments have been introduced at a prior meeting, included in the minutes of that meeting, and are listed on the Agenda of the current meeting except by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present an emergency may be declared and these By-laws changed immediately upon a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present.

b. A committee may be appointed to submit a revised set of By-laws as a substitute for the existing By-laws only by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the organization, or by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the board. The requirements for adoption of a revised set of By-laws shall be the same as in case of an amendment.




The president will preside at all meetings and have general supervision of the activities of the organization. The President will work with the principals planning and directing the activities of the organization including monitoring all committee progress. The President will prepare an Agenda for all organization meetings and arrange for the Agenda to be available to the Officers and Members of the Organization prior to the meeting.


The Vice-President(s) will exercise all functions in the absence of the President and assist the president as needed. The Vice-President(s) will serve as an ex-officio member of any one (1) committee. The Vice-President(s) will also head the Membership Committee, for the membership drive at the time of enrollment. If the office of the President is vacated, The Vice-President with the most TAPE experience in years will automatically become President.


The Secretary will keep a full and accurate account of the proceedings and transactions of all organization meetings. The Secretary will maintain a file to include the following: copy of the current By-laws, any organization correspondence, and minutes from all meetings. Minutes of all meetings will be provided to the Executive Board and local media with one (1) week of the last meeting. The Secretary will prepare official correspondence that the President may request. The secretary will also be responsible for media publicity pertaining to the organization as well as a monthly TAPE newsletter sent to the entire membership. The Secretary will also be responsible for notification of all meetings to the membership (reminder notes).


The Treasurer will keep a full and accurate account of all the monies and transactions of the organization. The Treasurer will maintain a file to include the following: copy of the current budget, receipts, cancelled checks and bank statements. The Treasurer will provide a copy of the current Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer- (continued)

to be filed with the Secretary’s minutes, to the President and any Executive Board member and TAPE member by request. The Treasurer will serve as an ex-officio member of the Ways and Means Committee if such a committee exists. If no Ways and Means Committee exists, the Treasurer is responsible for the collection of funds from any and all fundraisers. All monies collected shall be deposited within three (3) working days of fundraiser or collection of money. All checking and savings accounts will take dual signatures of Treasurer and President or Vice-president(s).

Teacher representatives:

The Teacher Representative will keep the organization informed of activities within the schools that require the organization assistance. The Teacher representative will be responsible for keeping faculty informed after each organization meeting to encourage teacher involvement.

All officers shall perform the duties outlined in the By-laws and those assigned by the board from time to time. Upon completion of their term of office or in the case of resignation, each officer shall fulfill all previously made obligations or commitments to the organization and shall turn over to the President, without delay, all records, books and other materials pertaining to the office and all previous obligations should be fulfilled. In the case of resignation or expiration of the term of President, the exiting president shall turn over all records, books and other materials pertaining to the office to the incoming president or vice-president as explained in Article V, Section 3b.


Proposed Committees for each School Year.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee will consist of the following persons: President, Vie-President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, Principals and chairpersons of all Standing Committees. Responsibilities shall be to ensure the proper implementation of the By-laws, to be available to attend most TAPE functions, and to encourage harmony between parents, schools and the organization. This Committee shall work together toward the same goals fort the good of the organization. The executive Committee shall meet near the end of their term to plan a tentative calendar of activities for the next year.

Fundraising Committee

The Fundraising Committee will consist of any member and the Treasurer as an ex-officio member. The Committee will provide details for funding to benefit students and staff of the schools represented by TAPE. The Committee presents ideas to the organization for fundraisers, follows through on ideas accepted by membership, and coordinates with the principals on how to present the plans. This committee also gathers volunteers and collects funds.

Hospitality Committee

The Hospitality Committee will consist of 1 Chairperson per school and volunteers. The committee organizes volunteers to provide refreshments for Open House, Teachers Luncheon, Kindergarten Round-Up and Parent/Teacher Conferences. The Committee will also be responsible for cards when needed for thank yous, teacher birthdays, weddings, funerals, retirement, births, etc. They should be aware of any student or faculty misfortunes.

Kindergarten Roundup

The Kindergarten Roundup Committee will consist of 1 chairperson and volunteers. This committee assists during Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment held in April or May.

Room Parents

The Room Parents Committee will consist of 1 Chairperson, head room parents for each classroom and helpers. This committee will organize the classroom Head Room Parent and Helpers. This committee will coordinate with the teachers about any class parties as well as any other help needed throughout the year.


The Picture Committee will consist of 1 chairperson per school and any other members that they choose. This committee gathers volunteers to ensure Picture Day(s) run efficiently at each school.


The Directory Committee will consist of 2 chairpersons and any other members that they choose. This committee gathers student’s information, compiles and prepares for printing the directory. They are also responsible for finding the most economical bid, delivering to and from printers and distribution of the directory.

Field Day

The Field Day Committee consists of 2 chairperson and volunteers. This committee assists the school and Physical Education Teachers to find volunteers for the field days to run smoothly.

General Mills Box Tops-

The General Mills Box Tops Committee involves a chairperson and any other members that they choose. The committee is responsible for collecting, preparing, tallying and all mail correspondence with the company. This committee is also responsible for sending in all box tops to the appropriate destinations.


The Enrollment Committee involves 2 chairpersons per school and volunteers. This committee is responsible for volunteers, coordinating with the school offices and the distribution of enrollment information for the schools. They are responsible for collecting fees (for TAPE dues) and helping sign up room parents.

Book Fair

The Book Fair Committee involves 2 chairpersons per school and volunteers. This committee is responsible for volunteers, coordinating with librarians, setting up and tearing down the fairs.

Yearbook Committee

The Yearbook Committee consists of 2 chairpersons and volunteers. This committee is responsible for volunteers, assembling the yearbook, getting it sent off to print and distributing the yearbook.

Entertainment Book Committee

The Entertainment Book Committee involves 1 chairperson per school and all they chose to help. They are responsible for volunteers, distribution and collections of all books and associated paperwork for the sale.

It is strongly suggested that at least 1 chairperson per committee be present during their particular function and also to be present at TAPE meetings before and after their function to provide a report verbal or written. Each committee will be responsible for the distribution of its own committee correspondence, first having been approved by the TAPE Board.

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