Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
River City Fundraising
Thank you to every student who sold items and every person who ordered. We raised over $14,000 for our schools and 19 students earned free limo rides (with lunch at McD's in Derby!) by selling 25 or more items!.
Please remember:
Orders MUST be picked up ON
Thurs, DECEMBER 2nd from 3 - 6pm @ MPS Cafeteria..
*If orders are not picked up by 6pm they will have to be returned with the vendor and no refunds will be given. Thank you!
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
December 9th & 10th
@ MPS, Times TBA
Open to all MGS & MPS students & their families. Items will be sold at cost (we are not using this as a fundraiser… just as a FUN-raiser!) and is a fun way for students to do their holiday shopping.
A few statistics: There will be over 100 items. 60% of all items are under $3. The items range in price from $.25 to $10. Cash only, please!
More info will be sent home soon! Would you like to volunteer to work at the shop? Email Gayra:
Yearbook Cover Contest (Food Drive)
It’s time to vote for your favorite yearbook cover! The one who receives the most “votes” will win and be this year’s MGS and MPS yearbook cover! To cast your vote, bring in canned food items
November 15th - 19th
Collection boxes will be at MPS & MGS offices. Each can donated counts as one vote. The cans collected at MPS will be donated to the Mulvane Care & Share. The cans collected at MGS will be donated to both the Mulvane Care & Share and the Kansas Food Bank. Winner will be announced before Thanksgiving break.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
November Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Marie Moore. Not Present: VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Marie M. There is an error in the report. The entries on 10/20/10 for $75 and $76.93 were debits and should have come away from the balance, not added to it. TAPE account balance as of 10/27/2010 is $8449.11. In the next month we will be pre-paying our yearbook deposit (75%) of $4953.74. We will also owe around $3,000 to Scholastic for the books bought at the book fair. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Gayra Wright. Seconded by: Melissa Nelson.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Not present. No report given.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: MGS financial report attached to meeting agenda. Deposit for Entertainment Book fundraiser of $4754.00. They spent funds on conference week meals and school t-shirts. Ending balance of the MGS TAPE funds is $11,061.32. Mrs. Charbonneau would like to pass her gratitude onto all TAPE members and school families for the funds recently given to MGS. The school uses TAPE funds to help give students experiences like trips to the Cosmosphere (3rd Grade), the Kansas Salt Mines (4th Grade) and Chaplain Nature Center (5th Grade). November 17th MGS will potentially be working with food services to invite families into the school for Thanksgiving dinner. Watch for an invite to come home.
Committee Reports:
Yearbook: We will be having a canned food drive to let the children choose the cover of the yearbook (which have been narrowed down to three choices). The canned food drive will be the week of November 15th – 19th. The canned food raised from MPS will go to the Mulvane Care and Share. MGS canned food will be divided between the Kansas Food Bank and the Care and Share. The book (and all pictures) must be completed and turned in by Jan 31st. The yearbooks will cost $11 and will be in full color. An order form (envelope) will be sent home. If you have a photograph that you think may make a good group shot for the yearbook, email them to Yearbooks are delivered on the last day of school.
T-Shirt Sales: Our second and final school will end tomorrow, Nov 5th. Orders will be back by the first week of Dec.
Box Tops: Games from the Box Top Carnival raised 4,300 box tops ($215 per school) and Munson will receive an additional 300 box tops which were donated that night. Combined with what we already had to send in… MPS will receive $1,300 and MGS will receive around $1,200. The checks will come from Box Tops (and sent straight through the schools, not through the TAPE account) on December 15th. We will be having a collection drive through Feb (the prize will be a pizza party for the class from each grade who brings in the most) and again in Apr/May (the prize will be a popsicle party for the class from each grade who bring in the most). Contest details TBD. Start sending in baggies of 25 with student name, grade and teacher name. We will tally the box tops and will count them towards the Feb 1st contest and the pizza party. Small prizes will be given for every 25 that they send in (these will be given as they are earned, not at the end).
Old Business:
River City Fundraising: Prelim numbers are at 12,000 “profit” (assuming all were 40%). All orders are closed. Orders will be delivered December 2nd. Details will be sent home with times. Volunteers will be needed to help organize and distribute orders on that day. Watch the TAPE website ( and notes home for more info. Every student that sold 25 or more items will receive a limo ride to McDonald’s (in Derby) with a free lunch! The date of the ride will be Wednesday, December 15th.
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop: This is being developed. It will be during the first of December and open after school at MPS but open to all families with children at MPS or MGS. If you would like to volunteer, contact Gayra at
New Business:
School TAPE Bulletin Boards: Presented by Erin Manning, TAPE Secretary. Jim Webb moves to spend a maximum of $140 on the bulletin boards at both schools. This will buy supplies to maintain the boards all year. Motion seconded by Lacie Blevins. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
By-law Changes: Article IX, Section 3, monetary donations. Suggestion to change existing by-law from having two authorized signers to three. (two signatures will still be required on each check, this would just give us two out of three options to have them signed). After group discussion, TAPE has decided to leave the by-laws as written. This decision was voted on and passed unanimously. To help with our vendors/contracts we are going to tell the other companies (Scholastic, t-shirts, fundraisers, etc) that our organization only writes checks on the first Thursday of the month. This is not part of the by-laws but will be considered “best practice” to give TAPE board members time to issue checks in a timely manner.
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Melissa Nelson.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
October Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; Treasurer, Marie Moore Not Present: Secretary, Erin Manning
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie Bayliff. Motion to approve by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Heather Leggett.Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Marie Moore. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Principal’s Reports:Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Present. End of year money used to give each teacher at MGS, including Specials teachers, $50.00 to spend on their classroom. Purchased 3 smart boards. Red Ribbon week October 25 through 29, 2010.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Entertainment Books: Our total profit was $11,447.50. According to TAPE by-laws we keep 20% in our funds to use throughout the school year ($2,289.5o) and the two schools receive 80% ($9,158.00) split equally ($4,579.00 per school) upon BOE approval. Presented by Stephanie Bayliff. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Heather Leggett.
Box Top Carnival: October 12th, 6-8pm. Still need extra volunteers. Stephanie has contacted the following clubs: KAY, NHS, RAD, Sevenettes & Leos. Mrs. Lemos will ask someone from MMS to deliver popcorn machine day of carnival. Agreement between principals, allows for leftover/donated box tops to be donated solely to MPS. Boxtops collected from carnival games, etc., will be split evenly between MPS and MGS. Mail in deadline is October 31, 2010.
Book Fair: volunteers needed at both schools, sign up sheet passed around for sign up. Unpacking is October 8, 2010, after school, volunteers needed then too. Need volunteers to provide breakfast for staff preview on Monday, October 18, 2010. TAPE to provide $75.00 for cash box for sale.
LAFF Night: Monday, October 18, 2010 from 5 pm until 6:30 pm.
River City Fundraising: Starts Monday October 18th and runs through November 2nd. Order Delivery will be December 2nd and volunteers will be needed to help hand out orders. We will set up samples of the products to be “taste tested” during teacher conferences, until supplies run out.
New Business:
Frisbee Golf Days at MGS: Volunteers needed to walk/ride bikes with grade school children. Passed around sign up sheet.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Jared Payne. Seconded by Lacie Blevins.