Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Don't forget to visit the shoppe this week!
The Season of Giving...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Meeting Minutes - December 2, 2010
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie B. Please note: The t-shirt notes should say that it was the second and final sale of the year. Motion to approve as amended by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Tara Loveless.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Tara Loveless. Current account balance is $38675.22. A check was written to pay River City Fundraising $19,383.60 which will show up in January’s treasurer report (This is to pay for the .
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: MPS would like to thank all TAPE members and those who support TAPE for all of the fundraising efforts. A major purchase with their TAPE funds was a t-shirt for every class which has been a huge hit with all of the students and staff! There are currently 4 classrooms left waiting for Smart Boards and MPS would like to recognize that technology would not be what it is without TAPE funds. They also use the funds for field trips, class activities, to supplement snacks and reward systems. “We hope you know how much TAPE is truly appreciated by our staff”. The next step for technology is to work towards an FM system for teachers to wear (a mic) to help all students hear teachers equally. Keep doing Sonic Tuesdays! Within three weeks they have raised around $250!
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present, no report given.
Committee Reports:
Yearbook: The cover that won, by vote, was “Living Out Loud” (a Rock and Roll theme). Almost 400 cans of food was collected at MPS and it all went to the Mulvane Care and Share. We do not have the results of the food drive for MGS. Email photos or questions to tapeyearbook@yahoo.com.
T-Shirt Sales: Are in! They will be sent home with students within the next few days. This is the last t-shirt order this year.
Box Tops: Donation drop boxes are now located at the Mulvane Public Library and inside the Dollar General. Send in trimmed box tops, grouped in baggies of 25 labeled with your student’s name, grade and teacher’s name. This contest ends Jan 31st. The top class in each grade gets a pizza party. For each 25 that a student sends in, a small prize will be sent home.
Old Business:
River City Fundraising: Limo ride, December 15th, for all students that sold 25 items or more. Notes will be sent home for those students that qualify. Volunteers for that limo ride are: Elizabeth Thornton, Gayra Wright, Jared and Erin Manning and Melissa Nelson. We had an AWESOME sale!!! We did even better than Entertainment Book sales (which is fantastic!) even though we had lower participation numbers. Our share of the funds are $14,823.40. TAPE keeps 20% in our account ($2,964.68) and the remaining 80% will be divided between the two schools - $5,929.36 EACH! (for Entertainment Books each school received $4,579). As a whole, each school will receive a total of $10,508 this school year!!
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop: Gayra Wright- Chairperson. Sale dates @ Munson will be--Dec. 9, 10, & 11th. If you would like to volunteer, contact Gayra at gwright70@cox.net. The hours will be Thursday and Friday 3 – 6pm and Saturday 10am – 2pm. If you volunteer to work, you will receive a voucher for free Penguin Patch shopping! This will be in the PAT portable at Munson. We will be setting up Thursday afternoon (tentatively at 1pm).
School Bulletin Boards: We were waiting on new checks to arrive in. They have arrived so this project will be completed before winter break. As voted on at the last meeting, up to $140 will be spent on this project.
New Business:
Spring Activities: Spring activity ideas include: Box Top Bingo night, family movie night, Breakfast Buddies
By-law Changes: By-law changes have been tabled to next month.
****After Christmas ALL Tape meetings will be held at the Grade School Library thru the rest of the school year. We will begin discussing next year’s fundraisers in January and February.
*** If you are interested in a T.A.P.E. board member position for the 2011-2012 school year and have questions about what each position entails, please don’t hesitate to ask! Stop one of us after school or email TAPE at mulvanetape@yahoo.com. More information will be posted on the TAPE website: mulvanetape.blogspot.com. Elections will be at the April meeting. New officers will take position in May.
Motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm made by Melissa. Seconded by Jim Webb.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
River City Fundraising
Thank you to every student who sold items and every person who ordered. We raised over $14,000 for our schools and 19 students earned free limo rides (with lunch at McD's in Derby!) by selling 25 or more items!.
Please remember:
Orders MUST be picked up ON
Thurs, DECEMBER 2nd from 3 - 6pm @ MPS Cafeteria..
*If orders are not picked up by 6pm they will have to be returned with the vendor and no refunds will be given. Thank you!
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
December 9th & 10th
@ MPS, Times TBA
Open to all MGS & MPS students & their families. Items will be sold at cost (we are not using this as a fundraiser… just as a FUN-raiser!) and is a fun way for students to do their holiday shopping.
A few statistics: There will be over 100 items. 60% of all items are under $3. The items range in price from $.25 to $10. Cash only, please!
More info will be sent home soon! Would you like to volunteer to work at the shop? Email Gayra: gwright70@cox.net.
Yearbook Cover Contest (Food Drive)
It’s time to vote for your favorite yearbook cover! The one who receives the most “votes” will win and be this year’s MGS and MPS yearbook cover! To cast your vote, bring in canned food items
November 15th - 19th
Collection boxes will be at MPS & MGS offices. Each can donated counts as one vote. The cans collected at MPS will be donated to the Mulvane Care & Share. The cans collected at MGS will be donated to both the Mulvane Care & Share and the Kansas Food Bank. Winner will be announced before Thanksgiving break.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
November Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Marie Moore. Not Present: VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Marie M. There is an error in the report. The entries on 10/20/10 for $75 and $76.93 were debits and should have come away from the balance, not added to it. TAPE account balance as of 10/27/2010 is $8449.11. In the next month we will be pre-paying our yearbook deposit (75%) of $4953.74. We will also owe around $3,000 to Scholastic for the books bought at the book fair. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Gayra Wright. Seconded by: Melissa Nelson.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Not present. No report given.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: MGS financial report attached to meeting agenda. Deposit for Entertainment Book fundraiser of $4754.00. They spent funds on conference week meals and school t-shirts. Ending balance of the MGS TAPE funds is $11,061.32. Mrs. Charbonneau would like to pass her gratitude onto all TAPE members and school families for the funds recently given to MGS. The school uses TAPE funds to help give students experiences like trips to the Cosmosphere (3rd Grade), the Kansas Salt Mines (4th Grade) and Chaplain Nature Center (5th Grade). November 17th MGS will potentially be working with food services to invite families into the school for Thanksgiving dinner. Watch for an invite to come home.
Committee Reports:
Yearbook: We will be having a canned food drive to let the children choose the cover of the yearbook (which have been narrowed down to three choices). The canned food drive will be the week of November 15th – 19th. The canned food raised from MPS will go to the Mulvane Care and Share. MGS canned food will be divided between the Kansas Food Bank and the Care and Share. The book (and all pictures) must be completed and turned in by Jan 31st. The yearbooks will cost $11 and will be in full color. An order form (envelope) will be sent home. If you have a photograph that you think may make a good group shot for the yearbook, email them to moore.marieg@yahoo.com. Yearbooks are delivered on the last day of school.
T-Shirt Sales: Our second and final school will end tomorrow, Nov 5th. Orders will be back by the first week of Dec.
Box Tops: Games from the Box Top Carnival raised 4,300 box tops ($215 per school) and Munson will receive an additional 300 box tops which were donated that night. Combined with what we already had to send in… MPS will receive $1,300 and MGS will receive around $1,200. The checks will come from Box Tops (and sent straight through the schools, not through the TAPE account) on December 15th. We will be having a collection drive through Feb (the prize will be a pizza party for the class from each grade who brings in the most) and again in Apr/May (the prize will be a popsicle party for the class from each grade who bring in the most). Contest details TBD. Start sending in baggies of 25 with student name, grade and teacher name. We will tally the box tops and will count them towards the Feb 1st contest and the pizza party. Small prizes will be given for every 25 that they send in (these will be given as they are earned, not at the end).
Old Business:
River City Fundraising: Prelim numbers are at 12,000 “profit” (assuming all were 40%). All orders are closed. Orders will be delivered December 2nd. Details will be sent home with times. Volunteers will be needed to help organize and distribute orders on that day. Watch the TAPE website (www.mulvanetape.blogspot.com) and notes home for more info. Every student that sold 25 or more items will receive a limo ride to McDonald’s (in Derby) with a free lunch! The date of the ride will be Wednesday, December 15th.
Penguin Patch Holiday Shop: This is being developed. It will be during the first of December and open after school at MPS but open to all families with children at MPS or MGS. If you would like to volunteer, contact Gayra at gwright70@cox.net.
New Business:
School TAPE Bulletin Boards: Presented by Erin Manning, TAPE Secretary. Jim Webb moves to spend a maximum of $140 on the bulletin boards at both schools. This will buy supplies to maintain the boards all year. Motion seconded by Lacie Blevins. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
By-law Changes: Article IX, Section 3, monetary donations. Suggestion to change existing by-law from having two authorized signers to three. (two signatures will still be required on each check, this would just give us two out of three options to have them signed). After group discussion, TAPE has decided to leave the by-laws as written. This decision was voted on and passed unanimously. To help with our vendors/contracts we are going to tell the other companies (Scholastic, t-shirts, fundraisers, etc) that our organization only writes checks on the first Thursday of the month. This is not part of the by-laws but will be considered “best practice” to give TAPE board members time to issue checks in a timely manner.
Motion to adjourn at 8 pm made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Melissa Nelson.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
October Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; Treasurer, Marie Moore Not Present: Secretary, Erin Manning
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie Bayliff. Motion to approve by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Heather Leggett.Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Marie Moore. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Principal’s Reports:Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Present. End of year money used to give each teacher at MGS, including Specials teachers, $50.00 to spend on their classroom. Purchased 3 smart boards. Red Ribbon week October 25 through 29, 2010.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Entertainment Books: Our total profit was $11,447.50. According to TAPE by-laws we keep 20% in our funds to use throughout the school year ($2,289.5o) and the two schools receive 80% ($9,158.00) split equally ($4,579.00 per school) upon BOE approval. Presented by Stephanie Bayliff. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Heather Leggett.
Box Top Carnival: October 12th, 6-8pm. Still need extra volunteers. Stephanie has contacted the following clubs: KAY, NHS, RAD, Sevenettes & Leos. Mrs. Lemos will ask someone from MMS to deliver popcorn machine day of carnival. Agreement between principals, allows for leftover/donated box tops to be donated solely to MPS. Boxtops collected from carnival games, etc., will be split evenly between MPS and MGS. Mail in deadline is October 31, 2010.
Book Fair: volunteers needed at both schools, sign up sheet passed around for sign up. Unpacking is October 8, 2010, after school, volunteers needed then too. Need volunteers to provide breakfast for staff preview on Monday, October 18, 2010. TAPE to provide $75.00 for cash box for sale.
LAFF Night: Monday, October 18, 2010 from 5 pm until 6:30 pm.
River City Fundraising: Starts Monday October 18th and runs through November 2nd. Order Delivery will be December 2nd and volunteers will be needed to help hand out orders. We will set up samples of the products to be “taste tested” during teacher conferences, until supplies run out.
New Business:
Frisbee Golf Days at MGS: Volunteers needed to walk/ride bikes with grade school children. Passed around sign up sheet.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn made by Jared Payne. Seconded by Lacie Blevins.
Monday, November 1, 2010
November T.A.P.E. Meeting
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Conference Week & Book Fair
Please send a healthy snack or yummy dessert to school with your student to show our teachers how much we appreciate them. Please send them to school on Monday or Tuesday of that week so that they can munch during their breaks throughout conferences.
And while you are at conferences... make sure to visit the book fair held in the school library! This is a perfect time to reward our little scholars with books, to stock up on holiday gifts and to purchase books to donate to your child's class.
Would you like to volunteer at the book fair? Contact the school librarian for more info!!
Box Top Carnival:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Head Room Parent List:
If your class still needs a Head Room Parent, I urge you to sign up. It takes very little time over the course of the year but makes a big impact on the children in your child's class. For more info on what it means to be a Head Room Parent, click HERE. Thank You!!
Blake (AM) – L. Backus*
Blake (PM) – H. Leggett*
Dyke (AM) – OPEN
Dyke (PM) – A. Blankenship
Kincaid (AM) – OPEN*
Kincaid (PM) – L. Moe*
Hankins (AM) – OPEN*
Hankins (PM) – OPEN*
Jelinek (AM) – T. Loveless*
Jelinek (PM) – M. Cross*
Endres – H. Thorson*
Burkhart – J. Dingman*
Seier – OPEN
Weaver – OPEN*
Witt – OPEN*
First Grade:
Bagby – A. Houston*
Swanson – OPEN*
Hansel – A. Merchant*
McGuire – L. Halpain*
Walter – M. Bartel*
McCarty – E. Manning*
Second Grade:
Jacobs – M. Pfannenstiel*
McNall – D. Anderson*
McClellan – M. Moore*
Parton – R. Robertson*
Akred – H. Nofire*
Slayton – OPEN*
Third Grade:
Bogner - OPEN*
Cunningham - T. Blecha*
Cuthbertson - T. Heck*
Entwisle - E. Manning*
Morris - M. Nelson*
Ramsey - OPEN*
Fourth Grade:
Canfield - OPEN*
Cline - OPEN*
Goertz - OPEN
Parrott - Brill
Pound - OPEN*
Townsend - OPEN*
Fifth Grade:
Beck - OPEN*
Clausen - OPEN*
Cottrell - A. Merchant*
Elliott - OPEN*
Headrick - S. Titus*
Wehrheim - OPEN*
List last updated: September 29, 2010.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Head Room Parents
Here are some answers to a few FAQ:
What does a head room parent do?
The most important things that head room parents do is to organize. Clear, effective and timely communication to the other parent volunteers is key. There are three parties during the year that the head room parent will organize. The first is the Fall party at the end of October, then the Winter party right in mid December and the Spring party around Valentines Day. The head room parent will contact the other parents at least one week in advance to organize snacks and a game or activity (the parties only last around 30 minutes so one activity and time to snack is plenty). If you are able to, you are also welcome to visit the schools during the parties to help out. If you are a head room parent but can't be at the party, ask one of the other parents to be the "lead" that day. Even working parents can find the time to send out a few emails or make a few phone calls to get a party organized!
Will I have help?
You will never be the only parent responsible to provide an entire party for your class. And the more volunteers we get, the easier it becomes for everyone!
Is there more to do than just plan parties?
Apart from the parties you can be as involved as much as you can/want. If you (or any parent) would like to volunteer in the classroom, contact your teacher. But it is not required.
What if I can't be the head room parent but still want to help?
There is plenty that you can do! Sign up to send in supplies (snacks, treats, etc) or ask the teacher if you can help in the class or work on a project at home (like cutting out art materials, etc).
One more thing to remember:
It is also incredibly important and helpfull to your teachers to make sure to check your child's backpacks daily, read all notes sent home and to spend the time helping your student do their homework (practice spelling words, reading time, worksheets, etc).
How can you sign up?
If you would like to sign up to be the head room parent or a "helper", and have not done so already, send an email to mulvanetape@yahoo.com. Please include your name, phone number, email address, child(ren)'s names, grade and teacher.
Thank you for considering volunteering in your child's classroom. And THANK YOU to those that have already sign up to help! Even a small amount of time can make a big impact to every child in the classroom.
To see the list of Head Room Parents (including those classes still needing help), please click HERE.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
September 2nd Meeting Minutes
– September 2, 2010 -
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Stephanie. Motion to approve: Melissa Nelson. Seconded: Heather Legitt.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Munson has not spent any of their TAPE funds yet this year. They will be ordering Munson Manner prizes and will be buying school-wide t-shirts. They also plan on buying some smaller playground equipment (balls, jump ropes, etc). Munson has started a new discipline plan, which will be reflected on the t-shirts. Looking forward to “Red Ribbon Week” (drug awareness) in October, hosted by the 2nd graders. Conference week will be October 19, 21 and 22nd. Book fair set up will be October 8th after school. Contact Debbie White to volunteer at the book fair. Book Fair preview is October 13th and will be open during all conference times (4-7:30pm Tues. and Thurs. and 7:30am – 3pm on Fri.)
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present. No report given.
Committee Reports:
Directory: Tomorrow is the last day to send in the opt-out forms. Committee head (Gayra Wright) hopes to have directories printed and ready to distribute the first week of October.
T-Shirt Sales: Half of the orders have been inputted into the spreadsheet. The rest will be entered by Monday when Lacie (committee chair) sends the order in. The printing company is going to donate 50 t-shirts to give to the school counselors (25 shirts per school) to distribute to families who need that assistance. T-shirts will be delivered to the schools and ready to sort on Sept 30th @ MPS Conference Room. They should be delivered to students the first week of October.
Room Parent List: Both schools still need several head room parents. Notes will be sent home to those classes and lists will be posted on the TAPE website.
Old Business:
Storage Unit: At the end of the school year, we voted to spend up to $2,000 to buy/build and outfit a storage unit to store all T.A.P.E. supplies. We are still receiving bids. We also have an offer from the main school district office for free storage in the basement. This item is tabled for now and will be re-addressed at a future meeting.
New Business:
Movie License Invoices: $350 per school covers the license to show any movies in the schools for the entire year. This is something that we have traditionally paid for the schools. A motion was made by Tempe Heck to pay the two separate $350 invoices (one per school) and was seconded by Lacie Blevins. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.
T-Shirt Sample Invoices: These are for the t-shirt samples for enrollment, etc. $461.70 to River City Fundraising. Motion to approve made by Lacie Blevins and seconded by Melissa Nelson. Motion passed by a unanimous vote.
Picture Day: MGS (Sept 3) and MPS (Oct 14)
Entertainment Books: Volunteers needed to sort orders on Thurs. Sept 9th at 8:30 am, MPS conference room to receive instructions from the Entertainment Book company. Then the group of volunteers will split between the two schools. If you can’t be here at 8:30am, you can come late. If you need to leave early, that is fine as well. The top 3 students from each school will win a family Zoo pass and a zoo themed gift bag (worth approx. $20 each). That totals $630 of the $950 that Entertainment Book company gave. That leaves $320 for the money bag (every student who sells more than 10 books will be able to pull a single bill out of the money bag starting in denominations between $1 and $20). TAPE will supplement $300 per school towards the money bags. The money that is not drawn from the bags will be returned to the TAPE account. Motion by Melissa Nelson to supplement $300 per school (in addition to the $160 per school that we have been given from the Entertainment Book funds) to the money bag. Seconded by Angie Daniel. Passed by unanimous vote.
Box Top Carnival: Tuesday October 12th at Munson. Time TBA. To join in, please email Melissa Nelson (kscroppychick@att.net) to volunteer!! Save those box tops! You will need them for the carnival! Soup labels will NOT be accepted for the box top carnival. Roxanne Sheeran made a motion to spend no more than $800 on the box top carnival. Motion seconded by Melissa Nelson. Passed by unanimous vote.
Soup Labels, Coke Rewards: Keep saving them, more information to come soon!!
River City Fundraising: October 18th to November 2nd. Delivery of orders December 2nd. This fundraiser will be food items. Samples of the items can be found in the schools during teacher conferences.
By-Laws: Next month we are going to start looking at by-laws and making changes.
Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm by Melissa Nelson. Seconded by Lacie Blevins.
Monday, August 30, 2010
September T.A.P.E. Meeting
6:30 pm
If you need to join us a little late from work/activity... no problem. The meeting will last at least an hour so there will still be plenty to be a part of.
We look forward to seeing everyone!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Entertainment Books have hit the streets!
Remember that this sale is so very important to our schools. Last year we raised almost $13,000 for Munson Primary and The Grade School!! The principals use these funds (and the ones raised from the Winter Fundraiser) to supplement their budget, upgrade technology, implement positive behavior programs and more!!
Old Settler's Days - Window Display
Saturday, August 21, 2010
2010 Old Settler's Day Parade
We gave out 750 bottles of green bubbles!!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Entertainment Book - Fall Fundraiser!!
This year the Entertainment Book will be $25 and will include even more local coupons and offers. One great offer? Dillons will have coupons totalling $20 in savings. This is fantastic because... well, we all have to buy groceries! So these coupons alone will pay for most of the cost of the book. Thank you Dillons!
Let's get ready to sell those books!! Here's an idea of a few lines that you can send to family/friends via email, text or as your Facebook status to let people know:
"Coming soon... 2011 Entertainment Book fundraiser from Mulvane TAPE, supporting Munson Primary and Mulvane Grade Schools. This year's local book costs $25 and has $20 worth of coupons for Dillons, let alone all of the other merchants!!! Let me know if you are interested and I'll get one ordered for you!"
Thanks!! Let's do our best to knock this one out of the park!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
August T.A.P.E. Newsletter
TAPE Newsletter - August 2010 - PDF
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's official...
Did you grab a T.A.P.E. membership form? T-shirt order form? We are so excited for a new year full of lots of family activities, fundraising (especially in our current economy, the schools can definately put every single penny to good use!), student incentives and teacher/staff support.
Wondering how you can get involved?
1. Turn in your T.A.P.E. membership form and $5
2. Attend the first meeting of the year (Sept 2nd, 6:30pm, Munson Library)
3. Sign up to be a room parent for your child's class
4. Order your wildcat t-shirts to show our school spirit!
5. Start talking to friends/family about Entertainment books - the sale starts SOON!
There are lots of other ways to get involved. If you are new to T.A.P.E. you can find out more about our organization by reading through the old meeting minutes and newsletters posted here on our blog. These will explain what activities we typically do in a year, tell you how much money we earn for our schools (last year we raised over $30,000!!!) and how the principals use that money.
If you have any questions in between meetings you can always contact us! The T.A.P.E. email address is: mulvanetape@yahoo.com You can also call Stephanie Bayliff (T.A.P.E. President) at 777-1077.
We look forward to working with you all this year! Go Wildcats!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
"Meet the Teacher Night"
Wednesday, August 11th
"Please join us on Wednesday evening as your child's classroom teacher shares their expectations and reviews the curriculum for the 2010 - 2011 school year."
You can also drop off school supplies on these nights, show your child where their new classroom will be and even share in some yummy ice cream!!
"We have set aside this time for the students and their parents to meet the teachers before the first day of school. Please feel free to have your student bring his/her school supplies during this time."
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wildcat T-Shirts 2010
The shirts and sweatshirts are Mulvane Green with a black logo on front (as shown on the bottom shirt). You will have two choices for the artwork on back. Either black/white or purple/white. Because we do not order extra shirts, all shirts must be pre-ordered and pre-paid. Shirts are available in short-sleeve, long-sleeve or as a hoodie.
Email Lacie Blevins with questions (mailto:tapetshirts@att.net).
Monday, July 26, 2010
August - Prarie Land Food
Monday, July 19, 2010
Upcoming School District "Events"
August 5th: District Wide Enrollment. Find out more HERE.
August 10th: Munson class lists will be posted @ 3:30pm
August 11th: Meet the teacher night/ Ice Cream Social at Munson @ 5:30 - 7:30pm
August 12th: Meet the teacher night/ Ice Cream Social at the Grade School @ 6 - 7pm
August 16th: First day of school!! :)
August 20th: Old Settler's - no school at MPS or Grade School
Thursday September 2nd @ 6:30pm - First T.A.P.E. meeting of the year.
Held in Munson's Library. If you have never been to a T.A.P.E. meeting - this is the perfect time to jump right in! Questions about T.A.P.E.? Email us at: mulvanetape@yahoo.com
Enrollment - August 5th
Our district will be having its first one-stop enrollment this year. On August 5th from 12:00 - 7:00 pm at Mulvane High School, parents will be able to come to one location to enroll all children in our district. Please complete all forms included in the mailing you will receive during July and bring them with you.
This year, Mulvane School district is able to accept major credit cards for payment of enrollment fees. This payment option will be set up at our one stop enrollment on August 5th only.
If you would prefer the mail-in option to avoid enrollment lines, return completed forms and check payment prior to August 5th.
Enrollment Fees for the 2010 - 2011 school year (for Munson and the Grade School, the other schools may have different fees) are as follows:
* Textbook Fee: $50
* Student Fee: $10
(this fee was created to eliminate parents sending money for field trips throughout the school year).
* Meal prices will remain the same. If you require a waiver for reduced feeds, please visit our office during enrollment hours. Prices subject to change.
Breakfast: $1.30 Daily
Lunch: $2.10 Daily
Milk: $.35
Students new to the district and/or returning to the district:
Please visit th Mulvane High School during enrollment hours listed above. Students new to the district need to provide the following at time of enrollment:
* Proof of residency
(ie parent's driver's license, utility bill, lease/rental agreement
or purchase agreement with current Mulvane address)
* Student's original birth certificate
* Student's social security number
2010 - 2011 Supply Lists
Supply lists can be found at major retailers (ie, Wal Mart)
Grade School supply lists can also be found by clicking here:
. 3rd Grade .
. 4th Grade .
. 5th Grade .
Questions? Please visit the Mulvane School District web site HERE.
Don't Forget: visit the TAPE booth to ask any TAPE related questions, enroll your family in TAPE for 2010 - 2011, sign up to volunteer or just to say Hi!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Prarie Land Food
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Water Safety
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Summer Activities
Mulvane Public Library: Summer Reading Programs
Mulvane Parents as Teachers posted a fantastic list of tons of activities (many are free!) on their Blog. Click HERE to see the list.
There is also a list of links on the right side column of this site. I have also updated the info including new board members, 2010-2011 meeting dates, and upcoming events including registration and first day of school.
Please let us know if there is anything else that we can link to for you. Have a great week!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Get Involved!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Blog Issues
Erin, TAPE Secretary
Monday, February 15, 2010
February 4th Meeting Minutes
(click to enlarge)
Reminder: The next TAPE meeting is Tuesday, March 9th at 6:30pm in the Grade School Library. We hope to see you there!!
Fundraising Meeting Minutes
During the February presentations our secretary (Erin) took notes. These notes are ONLY for our personal use and not intended to be a contract or promises of any sort by the vendors. Erin did her best to be accurate but with so much information being presented, errors are possible. If you have questions on any of these vendors/notes please contact TAPE at mulvanetape@yahoo.com and/or bring them to the March 9th TAPE meeting. The notes (click on each to enlarge) are in order of the presentations:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Family Movie Night
G-Force: A team of trained secret agent guinea pigs that takes on a mission for the US government. A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire, who plans to take over the world with household appliances. (Rated PG)
Monsters, Inc: In a city of monsters with no humans, Monstropolis centers around the city's power company, Monsters Inc. The lovable monster Sulley and his best friend Mike Wazowski discover what heppens when the real world interacts with theirs in the form of a 2-year-old girl dubbed "Boo" who accidently sneaks into the monster world. Now it's up to Mike and Sulley to send Boo back in her door before anybody discovers her. (Rated G)
Cats & Dogs: A secret war between cats and dogs quickly peaks as Professor Brody, a scientist, tries to create a serum to cure dog allergies in humans. As the unsuspecting humans go through their busy lives, the cats make several attempts to possess the formula, as their canine foe try tirelessly to stop them. (Rated PG)
A clown fish named Marlin who lives in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo, after he ventures into the open sea. Nemo is abducted by a boat and sent to a dentist's office in Sydney. Marlin sets off to find Nemo and meets a fish named Dory, a blue tang suffering from memory loss. The two meet many friends along the way, all helping them find the lost Nemo. (Rated G)
To learn more about film ratings, visit the Motion Picture Association of America's website by clicking HERE.
January Newsletter
Email Gayra at gwright70@cox.net
Email Marie at marie.mooreg@yahoo.com
Questions about the book fair?
Email Debbie at dwhite@usd263.k12.ks.us
Email Erin at erin_manning_@hotmail.com