Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning, Treasurer, Lisa Moe, Secretary, Gayra Wright
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve minutes made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Tara Loveless.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Motion to approve made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Elizabeth Thornton.
Principal’s Reports-
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: April 17 is kindergarten round up. Encouraging parents to attend round up because screenings will be done different this year. Kindergarten students will attend class 30 at a time one day a week during the first week of school. They will learn school schedules, go to centers and meet all the teachers. During that time they will have their kindergarten screenings. After the screenings they will be placed with their class and the kindergarten class lists will be posted on Friday, August 17, 2012. It is very important that parents return their kindergarten enrollment BEFORE school is out for the summer!
Lunch & Learn – First grade will be held at the end of April; Kindergarten & second grade will be held at the beginning of May.
Field day will be May 10. Planning on doing another movie day at the end of the year at the Derby Theater.
NWEA testing for second grade & dibels for the rest of the school coming up soon.
Raquel (Charbonneau) Greer, Grade School: 4/19 5th grade music program at MHS. More information to come about upcoming dates.
Committee Reports:
Box Tops for Education (Tara Loveless) – Last time to turn in box tops is May 11. Class parties will be held the next week.
Yearbook (Marie Moore) – Yearbook order forms sent out. Books will be sent home the last day of school by the teachers.
Fundraising (Heather Leggett) – New board will determine dates and sign contracts. Heather recommends that Rivercity be held in the fall and Signature be held in the spring, with the understanding that they prize packages for sales will be the same for the kids (i.e., e-scooter for selling 30 items).
T-shirt: Forms to be sent home this week. Due April 30. New board and committee head to decide winner. Motion made by Stephanie Bayliff to provide the tee shirt contest winner with a tee shirt, $20.00 gift card and the opportunity to ride on the Old Settlers Day float with a parent or guardian. Seconded by Debbie White. Vote passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Kindergarten round up- Need volunteers for help with kiddos and ride the bus on short bus trip.Sign up sheet sent around.
Teacher appreciation week – The week of May 7 through May 11. Tape is going to provide a breakfast for teachers, the District office, and the Transportation department. Heather Shaw is checking with Panera about catering.
New Business:
Officer Elections:
President – nominees Heather Shaw. Passed by a unanimous voice vote. VP of the Grade School – nominees: Amanda Sparks. Passed by a unanimous voice vote. VP of Munson – nominees: Monica Cross. Passed by a unanimous voice vote. Secretary – nominees: Erin Manning. Passed by a unanimous voice vote. Treasurer – Lisa Moe (This will be her second year, Treasurer is the only board position that is a 2 year term)
Committees and Chairpersons to be determined at the May meeting and at first meeting of 2012/2013 school year.
Upcoming dates to know
* 4/17 Kindergarten Roundup, 7:00pm, MPS gym
* 4/18 Child Find Clinic
* 4/19 5th Grade Music Program, MHS 7:00 pm
*Final 2011-2012 Meeting: Thursday, May 3rd, 6:30 pm MGS
Door Prizes
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 7:11 pm made by Debbie White. Seconded by Heather Shaw.