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Thursday, January 19, 2012

January Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; Secretary, Gayra Wright, Treasurer, Lisa Moe. Not Present: VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning

Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve minutes as amended to add “This item is tabled for a future meeting.” to the “Brainstorm” paragraph made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Elizabeth Thornton. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Motion to approve made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Tara Loveless.

Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Valentine parties and Heart Bingo will be held on February 14. Heart Bingo for morning classes 10:00 to 10:30 a.m., parties to follow. Heart Bingo for all day classes, 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. with parties to follow. Some changes to kindergarten round up and kindergarten screening. Kindergarten screenings will be held at the beginning of the school year, rather than the prior May. Date for Kindergarten roundup may change, to be determined soon.
Raquel (Charbonneau) Greer, Grade School: Mr. Townsend representing grade school. Parent teacher conferences are Monday, February 13, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Thursday, February 16, 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. & Friday, February 17, 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. Valentines parties are to be held February 14 and will begin around 2:30 or 2:45 for 3rd and 4th graders. 5th graders have specials at the end of the day, so contact the teacher for party planning. Special site council meeting – January 18th at 5:30 at grade school, all parents are encouraged to attend.

Committee Reports:

T-shirts (Lisa Moe): Sold 150 shirts in December. Made small profit of $118.85

Penguin Patch (Gayra Wright) : Gross sales - $558.75; net funds to TAPE, $55.87. We have about 2500 incentive points, not sure what to do with them yet. Gayra is going to sign the contract for next year in order to get more incentive points and invoice deduction.

Fundraising (Heather Leggett) – Kick off February 9th: Orders due back February 28 and will be sent home the last week in March.

Box Tops for Education (Tara Loveless) –Getting milk from school and will reimburse the school for those funds The Class winners for the Milk and Cookies party are: Pre-K, Mrs. Hankins; Kindergarten, Ms. Weaver; 1st, Mrs. Bagby; 2nd, Mr. Slayton; 3rd, Mrs. Morris; 4th, Mrs. Parrott; and 5th, Mrs. Cottrell. Parties are to be held January 16th – 20th. . MPS received a check for $2,048.00 today. The most recent box top submission will generate the following checks: Munson $373.00 & Grade School $371.00. Sonic will no longer be providing free ice cream coupons, but Spangles has stepped up and donated 600 free ice cream coupons.

Yearbook (Marie Moore) - Need pictures please send them in too Marie at Pre-order forms for books to be sent out before Spring Break.

Old Business: Dates/Committees – Movie night & Breakfast buddies

* Set Date for Movie Night, Expenses VOTE

Heather Shaw will be helping to plan breakfast buddies

Still need parent volunteer for movie night. – Puss and Boots will be released on February 24; will try to make that date work for Movie night. To be discussed further at February meeting.

New Business:

Valentine’s Day Parties/Room Parents Responsibilities: Feb. 14 check with teachers for time and plans.

Popcorn machine purchase discussion – Tabled until we have more information.

Suggestions for vendors to bring in to February’s meeting – Frontier Bags; Uncle Jerry’s towels; River City; Red Wheel;

Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Ups – Book Fair will be Feb 13, 16 & 17. Sign up sheet sent around for volunteers.

Parent/Teacher Conference Meal: Ellen Young motioned $250.00 for conference dinners; Christina Chronister seconded. Passed unanimously.

Upcoming Dates to Know:

1/11 Child Find Clinic


Adjourn: Door prizes given to: Mr. Townsend; Heather Shaw; Tara Loveless. Motion to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. made by Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by Heather Shaw.

To find out more about TAPE visit

December Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Erin Manning; Secretary, Gayra Wright, Treasurer, Lisa Moe. Not Present: Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School

Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve with amendments to correct the spelling of Lacie Blevins name made by: Elizabeth Thornton. Seconded by: Tara Loveless.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Motion to approve made by: Heather Shaw. Seconded by: Marie Moore.

Principal’s Reports: Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Money to be used for IPads in the future if possible.

December 19, PAWS party – Reindeer Shakes. December 20, Movie – Prancer. Winter parties will be arranged around movie viewing. Check with teachers about parties, they might do them themselves. Each teacher may do a different type of celebration, i.e. book exchange. Check tree at front for teacher gifts. Also sponsoring families again, can pick up a tree from the front of building.

Raquel Greer, Grade School: Tape money used to purchase “Thumbs Up Awards”. Grade school winter parties scheduled for December 20, 2:30 – 3:30, or if specials, from 1:30 – 2:30. Grade School will not have gift exchanges. Contact teacher about parties. Thank you for help. Students will go outside for recess unless under 15 degrees! Mrs. Greer’s new email address is:

Committee Reports:

T-Shirt Orders: minimum order is 200, but Jeff at River City agreed to lower it 100, at this time we have just made the minimum.

Penguin Patch: Going great.

Fundraising: Kickoff: February 9, all orders due February 28, week after spring break, but before Easter.

Mugs: Preordered 50 mugs as required by fundraising company. Unintentionally done without a vote, but don’t anticipate a problem selling them.

Box Tops for Education: box tops expire in 12/11 please send them in.

Yearbook: Cover has been chosen. MGS went above and beyond on donations. If contract is signed by December 16, 2011 for next year we will get our price locked in at $12.32. Need to send in photos for yearbook.

Tape is looking for people to head committees for various different events. Family movie night/breakfast buddies.

Brainstorm for ideas to spend money on hand. Heather thought about a grant program for teachers and/or other staff. To seek a grant the teacher/staff would have to have a plan a present it at a meeting to be voted on. This is something that would not go in affect until the next year. In depth discussion about how we can and should spend “tape” funds. Should it be given to teachers, can it be done fairly? Should it be used for students only? This item is tabled for a future meeting.

Adjourn: Door prizes given to: Heather Shaw, Marie Moore, and Stephanie Bayliff. Motion to adjourn meeting at 7:32 pm made by Jared Payne. Seconded by Marie Moore. Meeting adjourned.

To find out more about TAPE visit