Thursday, November 3, 2011
T.A.P.E. Meeting TONIGHT
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Box Tops Reminder:
We have been receiving several without names (or with information that is illegible) which means the kiddos who sent them in won't be receiving the appropriate credit or prizes.
If you have any questions about Box Tops - email us at
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Head Room Parents NEEDED!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fall Fundraiser - Reminder
River City Fundraising Orders
must be turned in to the school
by 3:30 pm on
Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Before sending the orders back:
Please remember to double check that your student’s name, teacher name & parent/guardian contact information is on the order form & that all checks/cash are included & match the order total(s).
Order pick-up will be
Thursday Oct 20th
in the evening (specific time TBA)
@ Munson’s Cafeteria/”Little Gym”.
Your order MUST be picked up
that day & then you will need to
distribute the items to your “buyers”.
The school does not have space to store
orders that are not picked up.
Please make arrangements to be there on time.
A reminder will be sent home as the pick-up date draws closer.
THANK YOU to everyone who has/will place orders for this fundraiser. The money raised makes a tremendous difference at Munson Primary and Mulvane Grade School.
Contact Mulvane T.A.P.E. at
Box Tops for Education - 2011 Information
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wildcat T-Shirt Sales
September Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning; Secretary, Gayra Wright, Treasurer, Lisa Moe.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve made by: Elizabeth Thornton. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Treasurer’s report amended to add check written to Target in the amount of $30.98 on September 1, 2011. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report as amended made by: Jim Webb. Seconded by: Marie Richardson
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Not present at this time. Report presented by Heather Leggett. Balance at this time $6,689.92, using money to buy playground equipment – Woohoo!!!! Terri Lemos arrived a little later.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present – no report.
Committee Reports:
Tape Membership: 121 enrolled to date.
Directory: Need forms turned in, no matter what. You will receive a note home if one is not turned in.
Room Parents: Need more head parents. If you are a helper and would like to move up to head, please contact Heather.
T-Shirt Orders: Due 9/2/11; anything received after will be set on Second order in December. To be turned into vendor by 9/9/11. Proposed delivery date is 9/30/11.
Fundraisers: Fall fundraiser ends Tuesday September 20, 2011. Turned in to vendor at the end of that week. Thursday 10/20/11 scheduled delivery. Meet at noon to start sorting. .
Box Tops for Education: 25 – candy; 50 – sonic ice cream; 75 – working on cherry berry; 100 – free fettuccine/spaghetti from Calabrone’s. Going to have grand prize drawing at the end of each nine weeks. Also having class competitions for each grade.
Box Top Carnival: Proposed date is October 4, 2011 for carnival. Committee Chairperson, Stephanie Bayliff requested $1,200.00 for the carnival. Mr. Webb motioned for an amount not to exceed $1,200.00. Seconded by Jared Payne. Approved. Gifts for clowns: At the box tops carnival we have clowns who donate their time and supplies. The group decided to donate $20.00 for each clown. Ellen Young motioned for an amount not to exceed $60.00 for their time. Elizabeth Thornton seconded. Approved.
Yearbook: Marie Moore not present. Sold 550 – 20 left to sell. Will sell remainder for $6.00
Scholastic Book Fair: Week of October 10, LAFF night – 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Need volunteers to help set up. Need helpers to run book fair to run fair, two hour shifts. Likely – Tues, 4 pm to 7:30 pm; Thurs., 4 pm to 7:30 pm & Fri., 7:30 am to 3 pm.
Old Business:
Old Settlers Parade & Window: Spent $86.50 on window and parade!!! Went great, ran out of juice pops pretty early, handed out 1,000. Won 2nd place and $20.00 for the window decoration. Unfortunately, TAPE’s name was not in the window, committee was not allowed back in to hang name.
New Business:
Formation of new committees -
Breakfast Buddies: setting up committees
Movie Night: setting up committees
Hospitality: Need a Chairperson. Teacher appreciation dinners and other little things.
Movie Licensing: $350.00 for each school. Motion by Ellen Young; Seconded by Elizabeth Thornton. Approved.
Box Top Carnival Budget: see above
Conference Meals: Motion to provide money to school for conference in the amount of $250.00 per school ($500 total) made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Jared Payne - 6 opposed. 11 agreed. 4 Abstained. This money will be given to the principals to buy lunch/dinner for the teachers during conference week in October. This is something TAPE has traditionally done in some form for the past several years.
Bulletin Boards: Use money left over from previous vote in minutes – Board to check for what fund are available. Use those same funds or bring it back up at another meeting for vote.
Door prizes of $5.00 target gift cards given to: Marjorie McClellan; Christina Myers; Whitney Phipps; and door prizes of a TAPE shopping bag to J.D. Hamilton; Jim Webb. Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Tara Loveless. Approved.
To find out more about TAPE visit
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
First Meeting, TOMORROW at 6:30 PM.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
September Meeting
T-Shirts, Window Display and OSD Float
Friday, May 13, 2011
May 5th Meeting Minutes
2010-2011 Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; Secretary, Erin Manning; Treasurer, Marie Moore. Not Present: VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young,
2011-2012 Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning; Secretary, Gayra Wright, Treasurer, Lisa Moe. Not Present: n/a
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Elizabeth Thornton. Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Marie Moore. Motion to approve made by: Stephanie Bayliff. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins. Balance corrected to $4,966.76 as of May 5, 2011; First check to Lifetouch was voided and new check to Lifetouch was written for $6,604.99. Check written for water for MPS field day and box tops popsicle party for $94.68. $20.00 for a target gift card for tee shirt design winner. Check written to MGS for $74.75 since they did not need water for field day. Funds will be used for DRC end of school party. Approved.
Motion to amend agenda:To add topics under Old Business and New Business: Elizabeth Thornton; Seconded by: Stephanie Bayliff; Approved.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Teacher/Staff appreciation bags are great and will be hand out tomorrow. Field day was wonderful. Weather was great. High school volunteers were a big help. 5/6/11 is last kindergarten screening. 105 to 110 children signed up for kindergarten next year. Early childhood students going to zoo on 5/6/10. Academy, High School and Middle School students are going with students to help out; 1st Grade going to Exploration Place 5/6/10. Lunch and Literacy: Early childhood - 94% guest attendance. 1st grade – 90% guest attendance. Last day of school is going to dismiss at 11:20 am, staggered with other schools. Early childhoods last day of school is Tuesday 5/24/11. Notes will be coming home. Enrollment for next year August 3rd, 4th and 5th. On 8/3 from 10 to 3 for new students and staff in respective buildings. Enrollment for everyone on 8/4 from 11 to 7 at high school. On 8/5 from 8 to 3 at home schools. Mail in enrollment will also be available.
May 12 is Kindergarten Lunch and Literacy and May 13 is 2nd grade Lunch and Literacy.
Add tape enrollment form to mail out enrollment forms. Due by end of next week. Paper copy requested.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: not present. No report given.
Old Business:
Thank You to everyone who volunteered this year!
MGS Bulletin board: a spot has been chosen at MPS. Stephanie Bayliff will handle installation. No additional funds are needed.
Teacher Appreciation Gifts: T.A.P.E. re-usable shopping bags were delivered to school for all MPS and MGS staff, including grounds and maintenance, crossing guards!!!
Yearbook: pre ordered 551. 409 ordered to date, $4,872.00 collected. 200.00 pending. T.A.P.E. will donate 25 for the school counselors to pass out to families who are unable to buy one. T.A.P.E. will donate two copies to each school library.
New Business:
Meeting Date and Times for 2011/2012 school year: 1st half at MPS and 2nd half at MGS. First Thursday of each month. General meeting begins at 6:30 pm
Volunteers to work enrollment in August: Ellen Young is handling sign up for enrollment.
Old Settler’s Day: Money to be spent on give a ways, window decorations, balloons, vehicle decorations. Motion to spend an amount not to exceed $150.00 made by Stephanie Bayliff. 2nd motion by Elizabeth Thornton. Passed by unanimous vote.
Parade Volunteers: Send around sign up sheet. Participants in parade will have opportunity to preorder tape shirts.
T-Shirt sample order: Place order by end of July. Lacie Blevins motion not to exceed $500.00. Debbie white 2nd. Target gift card has been purchased. Winner can walk in parade with parent or adult attendance.
Amendment to Committees: Will combine committee head positions. Room parent list and directory – Erin and Heather are heading that committee. .
OK Kids Day: July 9th. Lynzee Backus is heading committee to set up a booth at OK Kids day. To be discussed further at summer board meeting.
Door prizes given to: Everyone received a wonderful reusable TAPE bag. Motion to adjourn at 7:33pm made by Debbie White. Seconded by Tara Loveless. This is the last meeting of the school year. See you at Fall Enrollment!
To find out more about TAPE visit
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Yearbook Sale 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 2011 - Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning, Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. The t-shirt orders in the minutes say that the designs are due April 22nd but they are actually due April 26th. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Gayra Wright.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Stephanie B. Balance as of 3/30/11: $3665,43. February 14, 2011 to Wal Mart was for Pizza Party supplies. March 2, 2011 check #2094 was actually to Target and was for door prizes for movie night. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lynzee Backus.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Mrs. Lemos is at the Art Show, report presented by Debbie White. Several Smart Boards were put in over Spring Break. In April Kindergarten and 1st grade are having “Literacy and Lunch”. 1st grade is April 21st, Kindergarten is 29th. 2nd grade will also have on in May. Dates may change, watch for notes to come home. Field day is May 5th. Kindergarten Round up is April 19th at 7pm. April is national Library month and National Poetry month. Please take the time to visit the Mulvane Public Library in preparation for the summer reading program. Watch for a Library scavenger hunt form to come home. Their next goal for funds are to buy FM communication systems for the early childhood classrooms.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Field trips are coming up. A big thank you to TAPE funds for helping make that happen. 3rd grade will be going to the Cosmophere, 4th grade to the Salt Mines and 5th grade will be visiting the Nature Center. State Assessments have been completed!! 5th grade music program is coming up soon. Smart Boards are in every room! Next project will be replacing the older student desks.
Old Business:
Yearbook Update: Order forms are due April 29th. They will deliver to us on May 20th. 166 yearbooks sold, $1992 deposited. A discussion regarding giving yearbooks to teachers was made. A motion was made by Lacie Blevins to not give yearbooks to teachers because of our low sales and lack of funds. The motion includes a contingency that if we have enough yearbooks left after sales are over that we will re-assess if we can give them to teachers. Motion was seconded by Melissa Nelson. A vote was placed and everyone voted in favor of the motion.
Box Tops: Current contest ends May 6th. The winning class from each grade will be given a popsicle party. Date of parties to be decided by the teacher. Expense: a motion was made by Heather Leggett to not exceed $25 on the purchase of the popcicles (flavor ice style). Motion was seconded by Lacie Blevins.
T Shirt Design Contest: Design contest forms are due April 26th. The new design will be chosen by the T-shirt committee chair and board after the May meeting. The student with the winning will get a free t-shirt and a gift card not to exceed $20. Motion made by Melissa Nelson and seconded by Lacie Blevins.
New Business:
Kindergarten Round Up: Tuesday April 19th @ 7pm. Volunteers needed to be in the small gym with the upcoming kindergarteners. Please be in the small gym/lunchroom at 6:30pm to help.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: A motion was made not to exceed $500 for staff appreciation gifts, made by Debbie White. Seconded by Melissa Nelson and Lacie Blevins. The exact item to be given will be decided by the current board.
Field Day: Grade School: kids are going to DRC to swim, play basketball, play volleyball, etc. This will be approx the second week of May. Watch for more info to come home with your Grade School students. Volunteers are welcome! Melissa Nelson made a motion not to exceed $100 per school for field day refreshments/water. Motion seconded by Lynzee Backus. Munson’s field day is May 5th.
2011-2012 Committee Heads: Fundraising: Elizabeth Thornton & Stephanie Bayliff, Carnival: Stephanie Bayliff, Holiday Shop: Gayra Wright, TAPE Membership: Heather Leggett & Gayra Wright, Box Tops: Tara Loveless, Book Fair: Munson, Debbie White, MGS TBA, Enrollment: Ellen, Directory: Melissa Nelson, T-Shirts: Lacie Blevins, Yearbook: Tara Loveless and Marie Moore, Room Parent List: Erin Manning & Heather Leggett.
Officer Elections: Nominations are: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Melissa Nelson and Erin Manning, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lacie Blevins and Lisa Moe. A motion to approve the slate of officers was made by Lynzee Backus and seconded by Tara Loveless. After the vote the 2011-2012 TAPE Board will be: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Erin Manning, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lisa Moe.
Door prizes given to: Lynzee Backus, Terri Lemos and Tara Loveless. Motion to adjourn at 8:30pm made by Debbie White. Seconded by Tara Loveless. Next Meeting: May 5th at Grade School Library: 6:30pm (This will be our last meeting of the school year)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Resource for Room Parents
Breakfast Buddies
Monday, March 14, 2011
2011 Yearbook Sale Has Begun!
Friday, March 4, 2011
March Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Movie night was changed to March 4th due to a scheduling conflict at the High School. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Gayra Wright.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer not present, no report given. Checking account balance: $2621.08. More money will come in with the sale of yearbooks, however we still owe 25% of the yearbook costs.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: We talked about a philanthropic project (putting in flower beds at both school’s entrances) possibility, breakfast buddies (which will be discussed under “Old Business”) and went over MPS’s TAPE fund report. They spent some money on Munson Manner/PAWS rewards, Reading Counts, Speaker, PE items, T-shirts for new students and will save funds for smart boards. Current balance in their TAPE funds account is: $10,595.99. Kindergarten program will be this Tuesday. PAWS party is coming up this month. Kindergarten round up in April. Screenings at the end of April, beginning of May. Child find clinic will be April 16th.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: MGS is in the middle of State Assessments. All is looking good so far. 4th Grade Music concert is next Thursday. Spring pictures are coming up (April 4th). Field day is tentatively scheduled for May. Reading Counts may have an end of the year party (beach theme) as well.
Committee Reports:
Box Tops: Popsicle party, one class per grade will win. Current contest ends May 6th. Send box tops in baggies of 25 marked clearly with your child’s name and teacher’s name. Little prizes will be given out for each 25. Party dates TBA.
Yearbooks: No update given. Watch for order forms to go home.
Old Business:
Breakfast Buddies Committee: Tabled, possible future dates will be explored. Motion to table made by Roxanne S, motion passed by unanimous vote.
Movie Night: Tomorrow! Wear your pajamas! Doors open at 6:30, movie starts 7pm. Door prizes and bottled water cost $69. We will reimburse the HS for the popcorn that we use (last year it was less than $15).
New Business:
Vote on Fundraisers: Each person in attendance was given a ballot and the ability to choose one fall fundraiser and spring fundraiser. Almost by unanimous vote (13 to 1) River City Fundraising in the Fall and by almost a unanimous vote (13 to 1) JT Enterprises in the Spring.
Hear Nominations for officers: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Melissa Nelson, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lacie Blevins. We are still accepting nominations up until the vote on April 7th.
T Shirt Design Contest: Design contest forms will be sent home by April 1st. Contest will end April 22nd. The new design will be chosen by the T-shirt committee and board after the May meeting.
Door prizes given to: Monica Cross, Debbie White and Debbie Anderson. Motion to adjourn at 7:40pm made by Tara Loveless. Seconded by Melissa Nelson.
Next Meeting: April 7th at Grade School Library: 6:30pm (This meeting will have officer elections)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
February 3rd Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Some errors: Debbie Anderson was mistakenly called Debbie Andover in Yearbook section and her name was misspelled under Motion to adjourn. Motion to approve as amended by: Debbie Anderson. Seconded by: Roxanne Sherran.
A motion was made by Ellen Young to add an item to tonight’s meeting agenda: Conference Week Meals under “New Business”.
Principal’s Reports:
Committee Reports:
Yearbooks: Sale will be Feb 14 – Feb 28th. Watch for order forms to go home soon.
Old Business:
Movie Night: February 25th at 7pm. Pajama movie night. “Megamind”. Doors open at 6:30pm. A motion to spend no more than $215 on the movie, popcorn, water and prizes by Roxanne Sherran. Motion was seconded by Debbie Anderson.
Bylaw Amendment: Addendum B, Fundraising. Proposed change was that the addendum will include: “Any committee member, or their immediate family members, shall not be also employed by a vendor or company with which TAPE is under a contractual obligation.” This was presented at the January 6th TAPE meeting. Motion to approve was made by Gayra Wright and seconded by Melissa Nelson. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Officer Elections: Nominations start in March. If you are interested, please let current TAPE President know. Elections will be April. New officers will be installed in May.
Munson Book Fair: Tuesday (Feb 15th) and Thursday (Feb 17th) shifts are 3:45p – 5:45p, 5:45p – 7:45p. Friday (Feb 18th) shifts will be 7:15a – 9:15a, 9:15a – 11:15a and 11:15 – 1:15p. LAFF will be Friday (Feb 18th) during the book fair hours. Book Fair set up will be Tuesday Feb 8th at 8pm, MPS Library. The theme is a carnival. To volunteer, please contact Debbie White.
New Business:
Outcome of BOE Discussion: We will continue doing two major fund raisers a year. We have approval to add a small profit on the t-shirts, yearbooks and holiday shop starting during the 2011-2012 school year.
Fundraiser Vendors: Please see attached notes (to request a copy of these notes to be emailed to you, please send a request to
Conference Week Meals: TAPE gives each school funds during conference week to provide a meal to the teachers. Lacie Blevins moved to give each school $175 to buy meals, Melissa Nelson seconded the motion.
Motion to adjourn at 10 pm made by Lacie Blevins. Seconded by Tara Loveless. .
Next Meeting March 3rd at Grade School Library: 6:30pm.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
January 6, 2011 - Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton;; Secretary, Erin Manning, Treasurer, Marie Moore Not Present:VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Motion to approve by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Debbie Anderson.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins. Current account balance is $3,471.39. We have no outstanding payments.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Current TAPE funds balance: $10,144.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present, report presented by Stephanie Bayliff. Remaining TAPE funds: $16,612.
Committee Reports:
Yearbook: Send photos for the yearbook to: The draft of the book is due by mid February. Send your photos ASAP. Envelopes will be sent home (within the next month) to order yearbooks. Each book will be $11 and will be printed in full color. Marie Moore (Yearbook chair) requested money to buy envelopes and labels for this project. Debbie Andover motioned to approve $40 for the envelopes and labels. Motion was seconded by Melissa Nelson.
Penguin Patch Results: We did $1500 in sales (reminder: we did not do this as a fundraiser, all items were sold at cost) over the three days. The kids had a lot of fun and we saw lots of happy shoppers.
Box Tops: Committee meeting will be held after the regular TAPE meeting tonight. Current contest ends Jan 31st. One class per grade will earn a pizza party. Winners will be announced and party dates will be announced in February.
Old Business:
Spring Events: Spring Movie Night (headed by: Erin Manning, helpers: Melissa Nelson, Jeanine Jantz). Tentative date for this is the end of February. Breakfast Buddies is tentatively scheduled for Friday, April 1st at Munson. Friday April 8th for the Grade Schools. Date subject to change. (Marie Moore)
By-law Changes: Addendum B, Fundraising. Proposed change is that the addendum will include: “Any committee member, or their immediate family members, shall not be also employed by a vendor or company with which TAPE is under a contractual obligation.” This change has been presented at this TAPE meeting and will be voted on at the February 2011 meeting.
New Business:
2011-2012 Fundraisers: We are accepting ideas for new fundraising opportunities. If you have a suggestion, please contact Stephanie Bayliff ASAP at 777-1077 or email her at
Fundraising Vendors, Feb Meeting: Please mark your calendars for February 3rd at 6:30pm to be at our TAPE meeting. This month we will be discussing the fundraising opportunities. We are inviting vendors to be at the meeting to present about their programs. This meeting is typically a longer meeting so please plan on staying beyond the regular end time.
Officer Elections: If you are interested in a T.A.P.E. board member position for the 2011-2012 school year and have questions about what each position entails, please don’t hesitate to ask! Stop one of us after school or email TAPE at More information will be posted on the TAPE website: Nominations will start at the March meeting. Elections will be at the April meeting. New officers will take position in May.
Motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm made by . Seconded by Debbie Andersonu. Door prizes (Target gift cards) were given randomly to Tara Loveless, Melissa Nelson and Jeanine Jance.
Next Meeting February 3 at Grade School Library: 6:30pm.