Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov 27th Giveaway & our next two winners!

It's Friday... which means our last giveaway for TAPE's November Blog Party. Thank you to everyone who has participated this far, it's been a ton of fun!

This week's prize is donated by the very generous owner of the Craftastic Boutique:

The coil bracelet is made up of Rubyzosite stone with pewter spacers. The coil is comfortable and stretches to fit any size of wrist. It is the perfect compliment to wildcat colors!!
Visit the Craftastic Boutique for more beautiful jewelry and handmade gifts. (Check out that Turquoise bracelet! Gorgeous!). Thank you Kristin (owner) for your generous gift!

To enter, leave a comment below saying hi!

Now onto the winners of last week's giveaways:

Congrats gals!! You can pick up your prizes at the December 3rd TAPE meeting (7pm - Munson Library).
Don't forget to enter and check back next Thursday for the winner of the gorgeous bracelet!


  1. Gorgeous bracelets, it is fabulous that you were able to get such great prizes!
    Melissa Nelson

  2. This bracelet is beautiful. I think you did a great job with this Erin. I wish we had more response so we could keep this up.

    Gayra Wright

  3. Nice looking bracelet! Sorry I can't be at the meeting, Middle school basketball has started!!

  4. Love the bracelet and great job on the blog site Erin! It is so wonderful to have so many ways to keep up with all that is going on in the schools! Thanks for taking the time to do this!

    Trish Gerber
