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Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 2012 Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2012

Board Members Present: President, Heather Shaw; VP of Grade School, Monica Cross; Secretary, Erin Manning Board Members Not Present: Amanda Sparks; VP of Munson; Treasurer, Lisa Moe.
Total Members Present: 10
October Meeting Minutes: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White, seconded by Lynzee Backus.

November’s Treasurer’s Report: presented by Heather Shaw. Motion to approve made by Debbie White. Seconded by Tara Parton.
Principal’s Report:
Deena Waltrip, Munson: Not present, presented by Mrs. Greer: small prizes are being collected to use for the Munson Manners box. Send them in with your students to the office at MPS.
Raquel Greer, MGS: Big thank you for the conference meals, the teachers appreciated and enjoyed it. Veterans Day project: please bring in photos of any veterans in your family. The kids will use them to make a display in the main hallway at MGS.
Nominations for Treasurer Position: If you are interested in this position, please contact T.A.P.E. or a board member immediately. If you have questions on what the position is responsible for, we’d be happy to answer those questions as well.
Committee Reports:
Directory: Monica Cross. We have seen a large response for the electronic version, less than ten parents have requested paper copies. We are wrapping up collecting the directory forms. Please return yours or contact T.A.P.E. as soon as possible!
Room Parents: All class rooms have home room parents! THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered for supplies and helpers as well. Fall parties went great – thank you!
T Shirt Orders: Lacie Blevins. Fall order was 467 shirts sold total. For the winter sale we are considering selling a long sleeve t-shirt instead of the crew neck sweatshirt. Order forms will go home mid-November and go through the beginning of December so that shirts will be back by winter break (these make great holiday gifts!!).
Fundraising: Fall fundraiser was a huge success! We made a total profit of $20,795.08! Each school received a check for $8318.03 at tonight’s meeting (T.A.P.E. keeps 20% of the profits in our account to accomplish misc projects throughout the year). Our spring fundraiser will be from a company called Signature fundraising. This is also a catalog sale. The prizes are really fun! *Spoiler alert* the prize for selling 25 items is a Sidewinder Scooter!! Dates are still being decided on.
Carnival: Saturday April 13th at Mulvane High School. Times are tentative and will be announced as soon as they are set.

Box Tops for Education:
Christin mailed box tops at the end of October. MGS will receive a check for $609 and MPS will receive a check for $1228. Both checks will arrive directly to the schools in mid-December. Looking for a volunteer to lead the Grade School’s collection. Please make sure that you are clipping the whole box top including the date. The logo on the box is not necessarily a box top, sometimes it is just a promotional/marketing tool to get your attention and the box top may be somewhere else on the package. Let us know if you have any questions!
School Holiday Store: We are using a new vendor this year. The shop will be Dec 10th – 14th and possibly the 15th. We will need lots of volunteers to help run the shop so please let us know if you would like to help. We will be packing up the entire holiday shop and setting it up at the high school on the night of the spelling bee.
Marie Moore would like to co-chair this year. She will help put the yearbook together but needs someone to help with sales in the spring. We would love a volunteer for this position asap!
Old Business:
The mascot has been ordered. $1328.18 was the final price for the mascot and the cooling system. It is a size medium. It should arrive on the Monday after Thanksgiving.
Limo Ride: This went very well. We had some amazing moms helping out for this – THANK YOU to those that volunteered to help make the ride special for these 54 students.
Conference Meals: Thank you to everyone who sent in food and helped make this such a great success. The teachers were very appreciative for our help. We had tons of food sent in and the teachers were well fed. All non-perishable food that was left over was donated to the Mulvane food pantry.
Scholastic Book Fair and All for Books: Thank you also to everyone who helped volunteer at the book fair. As a reminder, T.A.P.E. donated $150 per school to the “All for Books” programs which helps give books to families at Munson and the Grade School who can’t afford a new book. It also helps provide books for the classrooms and libraries. Each school also raised funds to add to the All for Books program.
New Business:
Body Venture:
This is an inflatable (set up on a metal framework) and interactive exhibit. It is a large “body” that the kids can walk through and stop at stations to learn about these body parts. This is a big undertaking and we need lots of help! We need volunteers who are willing to walk through the exhibit with the kids. The dates of body venture are November 7th and 8th. If you would like to help please contact T.A.P.E. immediately. We also need help with tear down on Thursday Nov 8th after school.

MGS Spelling Bee:
 December 13th at Mulvane High School. The Grade School is currently preparing for this event. We are looking for a “pronouncer” & 2 people to help with knowing and following the rules.
MGS Facebook Page:
Find MGS on Facebook and “like” their new page for reminders, photos, etc. Principal Greer is writing the posts and keeping us all informed.

Upcoming Dates to Know:
11/6 – 11/8 Body Venture (volunteers needed)
11/9 – Top Cat Lunch @ 11 am
11/9 – Veteran’s Day activities
11/12 – MPS 2nd grade music programs 6:30 pm & 7:15 pm
11/13 – MPS picture retakes
11/19 & 11/20 – MPS Book Swap
11/21 – 11/23 Thanksgiving Break
11/30 – MGS Top Cat Lunch @ 11am
12/4 - T.A.P.E. Meeting, 6:30 pm, Grade School Library (this is on Tuesday bc of 3rd grade music program)
12/6 – MGS 3rd grade music program @ 7pm MHS
12/10 to 12/14 – School Holiday Store @ MPS. Times TBD (volunteers needed)
12/13 – MGS Spelling Bee @ MHS 7:00 pm (volunteers needed)

Adjourn: A motion was made by Lynzee Backus to adjourn at 7:45 pm. Seconded by Lacie Blevins.
** Next T.A.P.E. Meeting: Tuesday, December 4th at 6:30pm at the Grade School Library! **