Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning, Treasurer, Lisa Moe. Not Present: Secretary, Gayra Wright
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve minutes as amended, to correct Rocky Greer's name, made by: Heather Shaw. Seconded by: Tara Loveless. Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Motion to approve made by: Heather Shaw. Seconded by: Tara Loveless
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: upcoming events are Heart Bingo and Valentine parties on 2/14, LAFF night, 1st Grade music program. Some of their TAPE funds were spent on 100th day activities and the Traveling Wildcat award. Upcoming expenses: all classrooms will have an iPad by the end of February.
Raquel (Charbonneau) Greer, Grade School: In January they had a training during teacher in service day where they started learning a new teaching technique. This was facilitated by a national trainer. One future expense may be to add a new basketball court. They are looking for someone to bid the job to lay the concrete court. State assessments are coming up at the end of this month and early March. Notes will go home with details at conferences.
Committee Reports:
Spring Fundraising (Heather Leggett) – Kick off February 9th with assemblies (8am MPS and 9:40am MGS): Orders due back February 28 and will be sent home the last week in March.
Box Tops for Education (Tara Loveless) –Next set of box tops will be sent in March 1st
Yearbook (Marie Moore) - finished and submitted. Sale will begin this Spring.
Old Business:
Popcorn Machine: Heather priced popcorn machine options. Sam's club is $798, American Fun Food (company) sells it for $800 or a larger model (more storage and capacity). Both are Gold Medal brand. We can not do tax exempt at Sam's club but we can at American Fun Foods. Life expectancy on these models is 18+ years. A motion was made by Tara Loveless to spend no more than $1,200 with the stipulation that we will not make this purchase until the TAPE checking account balance exceeds $5,000. Motion seconded by Christina Chronister. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Movie Night: We will be watching the new DVD release, "Puss in Boots". Motion made to spend no more than $200 on movie night prizes, the DVD, bottled water and popcorn supplies. Motion made by Heather Shaw and seconded by Tara Loveless. Passed by unanimous vote.
New Business:
Volunteers: Sign up sheets were sent around for upcoming events (book fair, movie night, fundraising, MPS picture day)
Fundraising Presentations: please see additional notes regarding the companies that presented fundraising opportunities this night. To receive a copy of these notes, email They will not be posted online for the privacy of the vendors' competitive information.
Added to Agenda:
Smencils: While presenting fundraising options the members present heard about Smencils. These are smelly pencils (rootbeer, chocolate, fruits, etc) that are recycled from newspapers. They come in their own case to preserve the smell. You buy them for $.50 each, 500 per case. You sell them for $1 each. Lacie Blevins made a motion to buy one case of Smencils at a cost of $250 to sell as a fun "extra" for the students. These will be sold at the Movie Night 2/24. Motion was seconded by Heather Shaw. Passed by unanimous vote.
Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 8:45pm made by Tara Loveless. Seconded by Heather Shaw.
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