Thursday, September 29, 2011
Head Room Parents NEEDED!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Fall Fundraiser - Reminder
River City Fundraising Orders
must be turned in to the school
by 3:30 pm on
Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Before sending the orders back:
Please remember to double check that your student’s name, teacher name & parent/guardian contact information is on the order form & that all checks/cash are included & match the order total(s).
Order pick-up will be
Thursday Oct 20th
in the evening (specific time TBA)
@ Munson’s Cafeteria/”Little Gym”.
Your order MUST be picked up
that day & then you will need to
distribute the items to your “buyers”.
The school does not have space to store
orders that are not picked up.
Please make arrangements to be there on time.
A reminder will be sent home as the pick-up date draws closer.
THANK YOU to everyone who has/will place orders for this fundraiser. The money raised makes a tremendous difference at Munson Primary and Mulvane Grade School.
Contact Mulvane T.A.P.E. at
Box Tops for Education - 2011 Information
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Wildcat T-Shirt Sales
September Meeting Minutes
Board Members Present: President, Heather Leggett; VP of Munson, Lynzee Backus; VP of the Grade School, Erin Manning; Secretary, Gayra Wright, Treasurer, Lisa Moe.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Heather Leggett. Motion to approve made by: Elizabeth Thornton. Seconded by: Lacie Blevins.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by: Lisa Moe. Treasurer’s report amended to add check written to Target in the amount of $30.98 on September 1, 2011. Motion to approve Treasurer’s report as amended made by: Jim Webb. Seconded by: Marie Richardson
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Not present at this time. Report presented by Heather Leggett. Balance at this time $6,689.92, using money to buy playground equipment – Woohoo!!!! Terri Lemos arrived a little later.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present – no report.
Committee Reports:
Tape Membership: 121 enrolled to date.
Directory: Need forms turned in, no matter what. You will receive a note home if one is not turned in.
Room Parents: Need more head parents. If you are a helper and would like to move up to head, please contact Heather.
T-Shirt Orders: Due 9/2/11; anything received after will be set on Second order in December. To be turned into vendor by 9/9/11. Proposed delivery date is 9/30/11.
Fundraisers: Fall fundraiser ends Tuesday September 20, 2011. Turned in to vendor at the end of that week. Thursday 10/20/11 scheduled delivery. Meet at noon to start sorting. .
Box Tops for Education: 25 – candy; 50 – sonic ice cream; 75 – working on cherry berry; 100 – free fettuccine/spaghetti from Calabrone’s. Going to have grand prize drawing at the end of each nine weeks. Also having class competitions for each grade.
Box Top Carnival: Proposed date is October 4, 2011 for carnival. Committee Chairperson, Stephanie Bayliff requested $1,200.00 for the carnival. Mr. Webb motioned for an amount not to exceed $1,200.00. Seconded by Jared Payne. Approved. Gifts for clowns: At the box tops carnival we have clowns who donate their time and supplies. The group decided to donate $20.00 for each clown. Ellen Young motioned for an amount not to exceed $60.00 for their time. Elizabeth Thornton seconded. Approved.
Yearbook: Marie Moore not present. Sold 550 – 20 left to sell. Will sell remainder for $6.00
Scholastic Book Fair: Week of October 10, LAFF night – 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Need volunteers to help set up. Need helpers to run book fair to run fair, two hour shifts. Likely – Tues, 4 pm to 7:30 pm; Thurs., 4 pm to 7:30 pm & Fri., 7:30 am to 3 pm.
Old Business:
Old Settlers Parade & Window: Spent $86.50 on window and parade!!! Went great, ran out of juice pops pretty early, handed out 1,000. Won 2nd place and $20.00 for the window decoration. Unfortunately, TAPE’s name was not in the window, committee was not allowed back in to hang name.
New Business:
Formation of new committees -
Breakfast Buddies: setting up committees
Movie Night: setting up committees
Hospitality: Need a Chairperson. Teacher appreciation dinners and other little things.
Movie Licensing: $350.00 for each school. Motion by Ellen Young; Seconded by Elizabeth Thornton. Approved.
Box Top Carnival Budget: see above
Conference Meals: Motion to provide money to school for conference in the amount of $250.00 per school ($500 total) made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Jared Payne - 6 opposed. 11 agreed. 4 Abstained. This money will be given to the principals to buy lunch/dinner for the teachers during conference week in October. This is something TAPE has traditionally done in some form for the past several years.
Bulletin Boards: Use money left over from previous vote in minutes – Board to check for what fund are available. Use those same funds or bring it back up at another meeting for vote.
Door prizes of $5.00 target gift cards given to: Marjorie McClellan; Christina Myers; Whitney Phipps; and door prizes of a TAPE shopping bag to J.D. Hamilton; Jim Webb. Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm made by Jim Webb. Seconded by Tara Loveless. Approved.
To find out more about TAPE visit