Next PTO Meeting:

Thursday Oct 2nd, 7:00 pm, Munson Library.

Quick Links:

To view old meeting minutes, including T.A.P.E., scroll down and find links for September 2009
through the current meeting on the right side tool bar.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Resource for Room Parents

I found a great site to help all of you room parents out there. This is NOT a TAPE site, just something fun I found that posts new ideas often. If you are interested... check it out!

Have questions about being a room parent? Need more ideas/resources? Contact TAPE at or post your questions on our Facebook page (just search "Mulvane Tape" in the box at the top of your Facebook screen).

Breakfast Buddies

Breakfast Buddies: there has been some confusion caused by the event posted on Facebook that was deleted but is still showing up. Sorry! We decided at the last meeting to postpone these events (for both MGS and MPS) until further notice. I deleted the events the evening of the meeting but they were still showing up! So we deleted/cancelled them again earlier this week. We sincerely hope there is no inconvenience to anyone.

As a final clarification: we are NOT having Breakfast Buddies tomorrow OR next Friday. We will be talking about the possibility of rescheduling at our regular meeting next Thursday evening. Please spread the word to your friends and send them our apologies for the confusion!! Sometimes technology isn't so handy... :)

Questions? Email TAPE at

Monday, March 14, 2011

2011 Yearbook Sale Has Begun!

Yearbook order forms have gone home! Please send in the order form and $12 cash or check (payable to TAPE) in a sealed envelope (label the front "TAPE Yearbook") by April 29th.

If you don't have an order form: write your student's name, teacher name, grade, your name and a contact phone number on a sheet of paper and place in the envelope instead.

Yearbooks will be delivered directly to your student during the last week of school.

Questions? Leave them here or call Erin at 633-0525.

While you are online, Follow TAPE on Facebook!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Meeting Minutes

T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
– March 3, 2011 -

Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Movie night was changed to March 4th due to a scheduling conflict at the High School. Motion to approve, as amended, made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Gayra Wright.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer not present, no report given. Checking account balance: $2621.08. More money will come in with the sale of yearbooks, however we still owe 25% of the yearbook costs.

Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary:
We talked about a philanthropic project (putting in flower beds at both school’s entrances) possibility, breakfast buddies (which will be discussed under “Old Business”) and went over MPS’s TAPE fund report. They spent some money on Munson Manner/PAWS rewards, Reading Counts, Speaker, PE items, T-shirts for new students and will save funds for smart boards. Current balance in their TAPE funds account is: $10,595.99. Kindergarten program will be this Tuesday. PAWS party is coming up this month. Kindergarten round up in April. Screenings at the end of April, beginning of May. Child find clinic will be April 16th.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: MGS is in the middle of State Assessments. All is looking good so far. 4th Grade Music concert is next Thursday. Spring pictures are coming up (April 4th). Field day is tentatively scheduled for May. Reading Counts may have an end of the year party (beach theme) as well.

Committee Reports:
Box Tops:
Popsicle party, one class per grade will win. Current contest ends May 6th. Send box tops in baggies of 25 marked clearly with your child’s name and teacher’s name. Little prizes will be given out for each 25. Party dates TBA.
Yearbooks: No update given. Watch for order forms to go home.

Old Business:
Breakfast Buddies Committee:
Tabled, possible future dates will be explored. Motion to table made by Roxanne S, motion passed by unanimous vote.
Movie Night: Tomorrow! Wear your pajamas! Doors open at 6:30, movie starts 7pm. Door prizes and bottled water cost $69. We will reimburse the HS for the popcorn that we use (last year it was less than $15).

New Business:
Vote on Fundraisers:
Each person in attendance was given a ballot and the ability to choose one fall fundraiser and spring fundraiser. Almost by unanimous vote (13 to 1) River City Fundraising in the Fall and by almost a unanimous vote (13 to 1) JT Enterprises in the Spring.
Hear Nominations for officers: President: Heather Leggett, VP of MPS: Lynzee Backus, VP of MGS: Melissa Nelson, Secretary: Gayra Wright, Treasurer: Lacie Blevins. We are still accepting nominations up until the vote on April 7th.
T Shirt Design Contest: Design contest forms will be sent home by April 1st. Contest will end April 22nd. The new design will be chosen by the T-shirt committee and board after the May meeting.

Door prizes given to: Monica Cross, Debbie White and Debbie Anderson. Motion to adjourn at 7:40pm made by Tara Loveless. Seconded by Melissa Nelson.

Next Meeting: April 7th at Grade School Library: 6:30pm (This meeting will have officer elections)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Tonight is March's TAPE Meeting...
we hope to see you there!!

6:30 pm
Grade School Library

*We will be voting on which fundraisers to do next year so we hope that you will be there to cast your vote!