T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
– February 3, 2011 -
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Some errors: Debbie Anderson was mistakenly called Debbie Andover in Yearbook section and her name was misspelled under Motion to adjourn. Motion to approve as amended by: Debbie Anderson. Seconded by: Roxanne Sherran.
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by: Stephanie B. Some errors: Debbie Anderson was mistakenly called Debbie Andover in Yearbook section and her name was misspelled under Motion to adjourn. Motion to approve as amended by: Debbie Anderson. Seconded by: Roxanne Sherran.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Debbie Anderson. We have no outstanding payments. More money will come in after the yearbook sale.
A motion was made by Ellen Young to add an item to tonight’s meeting agenda: Conference Week Meals under “New Business”.
A motion was made by Ellen Young to add an item to tonight’s meeting agenda: Conference Week Meals under “New Business”.
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: Parent/Teacher conferences and book fair coming up later this month. During January they purchased items for Munson Manners prizes and for the next PAWS rewards party.
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Two new secretaries (Trish and Sherri) in the MGS office and they are in transition. Conferences are also coming up later this month. State Assessments start at the end of the month.
Committee Reports:
Box Tops: Contest ended Jan 31st. One class per grade won a pizza party. The winning classes are: Pre K: Dyke pm, K: Seier, 1st: McGuire, 2nd: McClellan, Munson raised 6,098 box tops since the carnival. 3rd: Morris, 4th: Kline, 5th: Beck & Cottrell. MGS raised 3, 927 box tops since the carnival. The pizza parties will be Thursday February 10th. These classes will have pizza, juice and cookies. These items plus plates and napkins. Debbie Anderson made a motion to spend no more than $450 for all of these supplies. Motion was seconded by Gayra Wright. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Yearbooks: Sale will be Feb 14 – Feb 28th. Watch for order forms to go home soon.
Old Business:
Yearbooks: Sale will be Feb 14 – Feb 28th. Watch for order forms to go home soon.
Old Business:
Breakfast Buddies Event: MPS will be Friday April 1st and MGS will be Friday April 8th. Both will start at 7am and be in their school’s gym. Cinnamon Rolls will (tentatively) be served. Volunteers need to be there at 6:30am to help set up.
Movie Night: February 25th at 7pm. Pajama movie night. “Megamind”. Doors open at 6:30pm. A motion to spend no more than $215 on the movie, popcorn, water and prizes by Roxanne Sherran. Motion was seconded by Debbie Anderson.
Bylaw Amendment: Addendum B, Fundraising. Proposed change was that the addendum will include: “Any committee member, or their immediate family members, shall not be also employed by a vendor or company with which TAPE is under a contractual obligation.” This was presented at the January 6th TAPE meeting. Motion to approve was made by Gayra Wright and seconded by Melissa Nelson. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Officer Elections: Nominations start in March. If you are interested, please let current TAPE President know. Elections will be April. New officers will be installed in May.
Munson Book Fair: Tuesday (Feb 15th) and Thursday (Feb 17th) shifts are 3:45p – 5:45p, 5:45p – 7:45p. Friday (Feb 18th) shifts will be 7:15a – 9:15a, 9:15a – 11:15a and 11:15 – 1:15p. LAFF will be Friday (Feb 18th) during the book fair hours. Book Fair set up will be Tuesday Feb 8th at 8pm, MPS Library. The theme is a carnival. To volunteer, please contact Debbie White.
Movie Night: February 25th at 7pm. Pajama movie night. “Megamind”. Doors open at 6:30pm. A motion to spend no more than $215 on the movie, popcorn, water and prizes by Roxanne Sherran. Motion was seconded by Debbie Anderson.
Bylaw Amendment: Addendum B, Fundraising. Proposed change was that the addendum will include: “Any committee member, or their immediate family members, shall not be also employed by a vendor or company with which TAPE is under a contractual obligation.” This was presented at the January 6th TAPE meeting. Motion to approve was made by Gayra Wright and seconded by Melissa Nelson. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
Officer Elections: Nominations start in March. If you are interested, please let current TAPE President know. Elections will be April. New officers will be installed in May.
Munson Book Fair: Tuesday (Feb 15th) and Thursday (Feb 17th) shifts are 3:45p – 5:45p, 5:45p – 7:45p. Friday (Feb 18th) shifts will be 7:15a – 9:15a, 9:15a – 11:15a and 11:15 – 1:15p. LAFF will be Friday (Feb 18th) during the book fair hours. Book Fair set up will be Tuesday Feb 8th at 8pm, MPS Library. The theme is a carnival. To volunteer, please contact Debbie White.
New Business:
Outcome of BOE Discussion: We will continue doing two major fund raisers a year. We have approval to add a small profit on the t-shirts, yearbooks and holiday shop starting during the 2011-2012 school year.
Fundraiser Vendors: Please see attached notes (to request a copy of these notes to be emailed to you, please send a request to erin_manning_@hotmail.com).
Conference Week Meals: TAPE gives each school funds during conference week to provide a meal to the teachers. Lacie Blevins moved to give each school $175 to buy meals, Melissa Nelson seconded the motion.
Motion to adjourn at 10 pm made by Lacie Blevins. Seconded by Tara Loveless. .
Next Meeting March 3rd at Grade School Library: 6:30pm.