T.A.P.E. Meeting Minutes
– December 2, 2010 -
Board Members Present: President, Stephanie Bayliff; VP of Munson, Elizabeth Thornton; VP of the Grade School, Ellen Young; Secretary, Erin Manning Not Present: Treasurer, Marie Moore.
Approval of Minutes: Presented by Stephanie B. Please note: The t-shirt notes should say that it was the second and final sale of the year. Motion to approve as amended by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Tara Loveless.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Stephanie B. Motion to approve made by: Melissa Nelson. Seconded by: Tara Loveless. Current account balance is $38675.22. A check was written to pay River City Fundraising $19,383.60 which will show up in January’s treasurer report (This is to pay for the .
Principal’s Reports:
Terri Lemos, Munson Primary: MPS would like to thank all TAPE members and those who support TAPE for all of the fundraising efforts. A major purchase with their TAPE funds was a t-shirt for every class which has been a huge hit with all of the students and staff! There are currently 4 classrooms left waiting for Smart Boards and MPS would like to recognize that technology would not be what it is without TAPE funds. They also use the funds for field trips, class activities, to supplement snacks and reward systems. “We hope you know how much TAPE is truly appreciated by our staff”. The next step for technology is to work towards an FM system for teachers to wear (a mic) to help all students hear teachers equally. Keep doing Sonic Tuesdays! Within three weeks they have raised around $250!
Raquel Charbonneau, Grade School: Not present, no report given.
Committee Reports:Yearbook: The cover that won, by vote, was “Living Out Loud” (a Rock and Roll theme). Almost 400 cans of food was collected at MPS and it all went to the Mulvane Care and Share. We do not have the results of the food drive for MGS. Email photos or questions to tapeyearbook@yahoo.com.
T-Shirt Sales: Are in! They will be sent home with students within the next few days. This is the last t-shirt order this year.
Box Tops: Donation drop boxes are now located at the Mulvane Public Library and inside the Dollar General. Send in trimmed box tops, grouped in baggies of 25 labeled with your student’s name, grade and teacher’s name. This contest ends Jan 31st. The top class in each grade gets a pizza party. For each 25 that a student sends in, a small prize will be sent home.
Old Business:River City Fundraising: Limo ride, December 15th, for all students that sold 25 items or more. Notes will be sent home for those students that qualify. Volunteers for that limo ride are: Elizabeth Thornton, Gayra Wright, Jared and Erin Manning and Melissa Nelson. We had an
AWESOME sale!!! We did even better than Entertainment Book sales (which is fantastic!) even though we had lower participation numbers. Our share of the funds are $14,823.40. TAPE keeps 20% in our account ($2,964.68) and the remaining 80% will be divided b
etween the two schools - $5,929.36 EACH! (for Entertainment Books each school received $4,579).
As a whole, each school will receive a total of $10,508 this school year!!Penguin Patch Holiday Shop: Gayra Wright- Chairperson. Sale dates @ Munson will be--Dec. 9, 10, & 11th. If you would like to volunteer, contact Gayra at gwright70@cox.net. The hours will be Thursday and Friday 3 – 6pm and Saturday 10am – 2pm. If you volunteer to work, you will receive a voucher for free Penguin Patch shopping! This will be in the PAT portable at Munson. We will be setting up Thursday afternoon (tentatively at 1pm).
School Bulletin Boards: We were waiting on new checks to arrive in. They have arrived so this project will be completed before winter break. As voted on at the last meeting, up to $140 will be spent on this project.
New Business:Spring Activities: Spring activity ideas include: Box Top Bingo night, family movie night, Breakfast Buddies
By-law Changes: By-law changes have been tabled to next month.
Reminder:****After Christmas ALL Tape meetings will be held at the Grade School Library thru the rest of the school year. We will begin discussing next year’s fundraisers in January and February.
*** If you are interested in a T.A.P.E. board member position for the 2011-2012 school year and have questions about what each position entails, please don’t hesitate to ask! Stop one of us after school or email TAPE at mulvanetape@yahoo.com. More information will be posted on the TAPE website: mulvanetape.blogspot.com. Elections will be at the April meeting. New officers will take position in May.
Adjourn:Motion to adjourn at 7:30 pm made by Melissa. Seconded by Jim Webb.